The Sims 5 could be announced in October

The Sims 4
(Image credit: EA)

The Sims 5 could be announced as soon as next month.

Launched in 2014, The Sims 4 has been bolstered with all manner of expansion packs and additional content. Still, many fans are eager for the next entry in the classic simulation series. According to journalist and industry insider Jeff Grubb, The Sims 5 is on the way and will be officially announced in October.

Grubb shared his knowledge regarding EA's apparent announcement plans for The Sims 5 during a video for Giant Bomb. "The Sims 5 is also coming," he says. "The announcement is coming soon, and I've heard it's likely next month." Grubb believes that the unveiling will "almost certainly" happen during the Behind The Sims Summit livestream, which takes place on October 18. EA revealed the event earlier this week and said it will be "sharing more about what's in the works". 

But even if an announcement does happen then, it will seemingly be a long time before the game launches. "Expect to hear about The Sims 5 soon," Grubb adds. "Do not expect to be playing it soon. The game is still a very long way off."

EA has also announced that the base Sims 4 game will be going permanently free to play across PC/Mac and consoles on October 18. If you've yet to see what all the fuss is about, it's the perfect opportunity to do so without having to splash the cash. However, the company's decision has been met with a mixed reaction from players. Some Sims fans have welcomed the move, while others who've already bought it, possibly for its $60 launch price, feel it's unfair. 

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Anne-Marie Ostler
Freelance Writer

Originally from Ireland, I moved to the UK in 2014 to pursue a Games Journalism and PR degree at Staffordshire University. Following that, I've freelanced for GamesMaster, Games TM, Official PlayStation Magazine and, more recently, Play and 12DOVE. My love of gaming sprang from successfully defeating that first Goomba in Super Mario Bros on the NES. These days, PlayStation is my jam. When not gaming or writing, I can usually be found scouring the internet for anything Tomb Raider related to add to my out of control memorabilia collection.