Doctor Who Zombies
A few weeks ago, we tasked you with zombifying the Doctor and co, for our first ever SFX Art Challenge. Here are a selection of the best pieces of art/clever Photoshoppery that you sent us!
Let's kick things off with our top five, counting down from five to our overall winner! We'll follow that with ten runners-up.
IN FIFTH PLACE a zombie Rose and Sarah Jane by Stephen Wardle
Less a case of "eat more chips" here than "eat more brains"...
IN FOURTH PLACE A zombie Slitheen by Marion Cromb
IN THIRD PLACE A zombie Draconian by Piers Hazell
This is just one of a host of drawings sent to us by Piers (who's been drawing these for a while - great minds think alike, eh?) Click on the links to see the following zombified: Third Doctor Fourth Doctor Cyberman Sontaran The Master Sea Devil Zygon
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IN SECOND PLACE A zombie Eleventh Doctor (in a fez!) by Marietta Gurk
AND IN FIRST PLACE A zombie Cyberman by Matthew Jackson
Matthew also sent us an equally fantastic zombie Ice Warrior . Check it out!
All of the people in that top five will be receiving some free Doctor Who goodies!
Next up - and in particular order - here's ten more runners-up who also created some sterling work.
Well done, people!
First up, a zombified Fourth Doctor from Damien May
Amy and the Doctor fighting off some zombie-Cyberman hordes, by James Rees
A zombie Dalek from Dan Pritchard
A poster for a horrifying Tenth Doctor movie by Sarah Duff
Peter Shorney freely admits that his artwork is "a bit rushed". So why's this drawing featuring zombified versions of the First Doctor, Susan and Ian lumbering after Barbara a runner-up? Because of the title: "They're coming to get you, Barbara!" Clever.
A zombie Ood from Paul Kercal
Another zombie Eleventh Doctor (bit Simpsons, innit?) from Luke Lilly
These two look armless enough... By GigerPunk
All eleven Doctors zombified by Stephen Byrne
And finally, a zombie Cyberman by Stephen Dray
Thanks a million to everybody who took the time to put pen to paper/slave away over a hot PC - we really do appreciate it. If you didn't make the top 15, why not post your entry in this thread and share it with the dwellers of our forum?
We'll be issuing another SFX ART CHALLENGE shortly... keep your eyes peeled!
Ian Berriman has been working for SFX – the world's leading sci-fi, fantasy and horror magazine – since March 2002. He's also a regular writer for Electronic Sound. Other publications he's contributed to include Total Film, When Saturday Comes, Retro Pop, Horrorville, and What DVD. A life-long Doctor Who fan, he's also a supporter of Hull City, and live-tweets along to BBC Four's Top Of The Pops repeats from his @TOTPFacts account.