The Secret of Monkey Island Walkthrough
Written by:
Jason_D (Coolthud)
aka TrekkiemonsterUK
This guide is copyrighted to its Author, however the game, and it's
Intellectual property is copyrighted to Lucasarts.
This guide is dedicated to Andy, Rhian, Jade and Shania and over 20 years of
Friendship; I am lucky to have such great friends in my life.
[i]... Characters
[a]--- Prologue
[b]--- Part One: The Three Trials:
[1]... Trial One: Sword Mastery
[2]... Trial Two: Treasure Hunter-y
[3]... Trial Three: Thievery
[cr]--- Finding a Ship and Crew
[cr1]---Crew Member 1: Carla the Sword Master
[cr2]---Crew Member 2: Meathook
[cr3]---Crew Member 3: Otis, the Prisoner
[cr4]---Get a ship:
[c]--- Part Two: The Journey:
[d]--- Part Three: Under Monkey Island:
[e]--- Part Four: Guybrush Kicks Butt:
[v]... Authorized site List
[vi]... Guide Updates
HINT: Use the bracketed numbers and letters as a way to search through
this guide.
Spoiler Notice: This whole walkthrough should be regarded as one big
spoiler. I will not be warning you of upcoming spoilers in this piece,
so if you don’t want to know the story, or how to solve a puzzle in
the game (why on Earth are you even reading this then?) please DO NOT
read any further.
[i]... Characters:
... in order of appearance in this guide...
Guybrush Threepwood
- Mighty Pirate-Wannabee and hero
Meléé Island Lookout
Three Mighty Pirates
- The Scumm Bar pirates who send you on the quest
of the three trials to be help you become a pirate.
Scumm bar Cook
Voodoo Lady
- Located in the voodoo shop of Meléé Island
Fettucini Brothers
- Circus Act
Store Keeper
- Mean-spirited junk seller and loan shark
Street Vendor
- Sells you the Meléé Island Treasure Map
Road Toll Troll
Captain Smirk
- teaches you Insult Sword Fighting
Carla - the Sword Master
Ghost Pirate LeChuck
- Evil pirate bad guy and all round jerk
- LeChuck’s Lieutenant
Fester Shinetop
- Sheriff of Meléé Island
Elaine Marley
- Governor of Meléé Island
- Prisoner in Meléé Island jail
- Parrot phobic Pirate
- Proprietor, Stan's Previously Used Vessels
Herman Toothrot
- Monkey Island's Robinson Crusoe
Monkey Island Cannibals
[ii]... Controls:
--- Move Cursor - Mouse
--- Select/Click - Left mouse button
--- Control options (Verb Menu) - V, or, CTRL
--- Inventory - I, or, ALT
--- Hint Button - H
--- Options - F1
Verb Shortcuts: Open - O | Use - U | Pick-up - P | Push - S | Pull - Y |
Close - C| Look-At - L| Talk To - T | Give - G |
Subtitle Speed +/-
--- Move Cursor - Left Stick
--- Select/Click - A (Green) Button
--- Auto Button - B (Red) Button
--- Hint Button - X (Blue) Button
--- Skip Dialog - Y (Yellow) Button (Hold Down)
--- Inventory - Right trigger, or, right bumper button
--- Control options (Verb Menu) - Left trigger, or, left bumper button
--- Options - Start Button
[iii]...Achievements (Xbox 360 Only):
All the achievements are marked secret in the game, so this list will
contain spoilers so please do not read if you want to avoid having
the game spoiled for you (if so, why are you reading this???)
Determined (10)
Completed the game without using any hints
Escape Artist (10)
Escaped from the monkey island cannibals hut 5 times
Guybrush Kicks Butt (45)
Completed Last Part: Guybrush Kicks Butt. Guybrush stopped LeChuck
from marrying Elaine Marley
Human Cannonball (10)
Finished the entire game in record time. We hope you were wearing a helmet!
Marooned Everyone (10)
Re-marooned Herman Toothrot and marooned Carla, Otis and Meathook on
Monkey Island?
Old School (5)
Experienced the original, classic adventure game, as it was in the early 90s
RecordKeeper (10)
Collected all of the notes and memos sent between Herman Toothrot, LeChuck
and the Cannibals
Sharp Tongue (15)
Guybrush learned all of the insults, and is the wittiest/deadliest pirate
what ever swung a sword
Ten Minutes Later... (10)
Guybrush can hold his breath for 10 minutes, but not any longer than that
The Journey (25)
Complete Part Two: The Journey. Guybrush used a voodoo spell to travel to
Monkey Island?
The Three Trials (25)
Completed Part One: The Three Trials. Guybrush proved himself worthy to
be a pirate
Under Monkey Island (25)
Completed Part Three: Under Monkey Island. Guybrush traveled into the Monkey
Head and got the root
[iv]... Walkthrough:
[a]--- Prologue:
"I'm Guybrush Threepwood and I want to be a mighty pirate", and so starts one of
the greatest PCs games ever made, which has now been remade.
Guybrush finds himself at the Lookout Point - and overlook located on top of the
highest point of Meléé Island. Walk off the bottom of the screen towards town.
Optional: For extra story info talk to the old man at the Lookout Point. He will
tell you to go to the Scumm Bar for info on how to become a pirate.
As you leave lookout point and head to town the game proper starts...
[b]--- Part One: The Three Trials:
Walk along the dock to the east (walking west takes you back to the lookout
point, and if you walk under its archway you access the Meléé Island map) until
you come to the Scumm Bar. Open the door and enter.
The Scumm Bar:
Head into the back of the bar towards the kitchen door area. You'll find the
three important pirates here.
Optional: Talk to the pirates, and they will tell you what you need to do to
become a pirate with them, namely pass the three trials: Thievery, Sword Mastery
and "Treasure Hunter-y".
Walk to the kitchen door. If you open it, the cook will scream at you to leave
the kitchen. Wait for the cook to leave the kitchen and off screen. Walk into
the kitchen. Pick up the meat on the counter, and the cooking pot under the
counter. Walk to the kitchen's back door, We want to pick up that red fish ("A
Red Herring" lol) however, when we walk to it, a seagull swoops down and starts
pecking at it, and Guybrush won’t pick it up whilst the bird is there in case it
attacks him. Walk to the far edge of the dock that the fish and bird are on. The
board will flick up scaring the bird away. Do this a few times so that bird is
as far away as possible, then nip back to the fish and pick it up. Leave the
Scumm Bar, and head west back to the lookout point, walk thru the arch to access
the Meléé Island map. Walk to the "Clearing" by clicking on it.
The Circus:
Welcome to the Fettuccini Brother's circus. The two circus performers are inside
the big top tent, bickering and arguing over who will be the first to try their
new trick - the Human Cannonball trick.
Talk to the brothers to interrupt them. Offer to try the trick. They will ask
if you have a helmet, give them the pot (using the GIVE command, not the USE
You'll be put in the cannon, it'll be fired, Guybrush will fly out of it,
missing the straw bale totally and hitting the main mast. Just as well he had
the pot eh? Oh, but what a shame it fell off his head before the impact. You are
fine though.
The brothers give you 478 pieces of eight as a thank you - and no doubt
compensation for any brain damage that may have been done. ("I was fired out of
a cannon as a human cannonball, but my boss hadn't given me proper headwear,
that’s when I phoned Claims Direct!")
Return to Meléé island town (marked Village on the map.)
Head East, past the Scumm Bar, and into the town proper. Ignore the guy on the
corner for now, instead open the brown door on the right hand side of the lane
that leads up the clock. This takes you to the Voodoo lady's den.
Voodoo Lady's Den
Pick up the rubber chicken.
Optional: Once you have picked up the rubber chicken you don’t need to do
here and you can leave. However, you may want to talk to the Voodoo Lady for
lots of back-story, funny stories and Monkey Lore. When you leave her den, you
can also talk to the three pirates on the street. They serve no essential
purpose in the game, but again you can get some back-story and hints on what to
do here.
Once you have the rubber chicken, leave the Voodoo lady's den, and walk north
under the clock.
You are now in another area of town. From East to West the important locations
here are: the general store, then there's an alley-way, and then a church, then
the prison. Finally, the far western archway leads you to the Governor's
Go to the store, open the door and enter. Pick up the sword (lower floor, near
the storekeeper), and the shovel (upper floor, left of the safe). Talk to the
Storekeeper (Charming fellow he is... not) Ask about the sword and shovel to pay
for them. You cannot leave without paying, that storekeeper is always watching
Ask him if there is anyone you can test the sword on, and he will tell you about
the sword master. Ask him to ask the sword master if she will help you. The
answer will be no, so instead we need to follow the storekeeper to the sword
master's secret hideout.
As soon as the storekeeper leaves, chase after him. He will lead you out of town
towards the lookout point, and then onto the Meléé Island map. Once on the map
screen you'll see the Storekeeper's icon go to the "Fork". Go there. You'll see
the Storekeeper disappearing off into the forest. Follow him quickly. He'll take
you along various screens of the forest before finally leading you to the secret
hideout of the Sword Master. On the journey you will pass some yellow flowers,
very quickly pick them up, you'll need them later.
After a brief scene of the Storekeeper talking to the Sword Master you will gain
control again. Go west back to the forest and you'll be back on the Meléé Island
map. The Secret Hideout of the Sword Master will now be clickable on the map for
quick access.
Alternatively, if you don't want to follow the storekeeper you can go directly
to the Sword Master by going in the following directions from the "Fork".....
North | You should see the yellow flowers. Pick them up. | North | East | East
| West | North | Push the signpost. Cross the bridge, by going east. You've
found the Sword master! As before, the Secret Hideout of the Sword Master will
now be clickable on the map for quick access.
Now we can go and complete the trials proper. The three trials can be completed
in any order, you don't have to exactly follow the order I do them in if you
wish, this is just the quickest way for me personally to do them.
First up....
[1]... Trial One: Sword Mastery
On the Meléé Island map on the far east corner is a house. Go there. On the way
there, you'll be stopped by a troll wanting a Toll. Give him the Red Herring to
Knock on the door of the house and ask for sword training. It will cost you 30
pieces of eight. Captain Smirk (the sword trainer) will ask to see your sword
(oo-er) and you show him (lucky we went to the store and bought one, eh?!)
Capt. Smirk will take you inside his house and teach you the basics of Insult
Sword fighting. Once trained, Guybrush will find himself stood outside the
house, feeling ripped off.
We're not yet good enough to fight the sword master, so go back to the Meléé
Island map. You will see various pirate icons swarming around the map's roads.
Click on any one, and you'll be taken to a scene of Guybrush confronting a
pirate on the road. Say "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, prepare to die!" to start the
Insult Sword Fighting Duel.
The trick to insult sword fighting is returning a wittier insult than your
opponent uses. Initially you have two very useless insults, and you WILL lose a
number of duals before you are good enough to fight the sword master. Make a
note of the insults your opponent uses, then use them against your opponent.
Rinse and repeat. After about ten duals or so you should have enough insults and
their witty replies to be starting to win duals.
Once you have won three duals, pirates will start commenting that you are good
enough to fight the sword master.
At this time you might want to practice some more, to make sure you have all the
answers to all available insults, or you can go to the sword master and
challenge her.
Full list of Sword Fighting Insults/Replies
Note: I may not have the wording 100% accurate here but you'll certainly be able
to tell which insult/replies I'm talking about.
Insult: This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur
Reply: And I've got a TIP for you, get the POINT!
Insult: Soon you'll be wearing my sword like a shish kebab!
Reply: First you'd better stop waving it like a feather duster!
Insult: I'll use my hankerchief to wipe up your blood
Reply: You got that job as Janitor after all!
Insult: People usually fall at my feet when they see me coming
Reply: Even BEFORE they've smelt your breath?
Insult: I once owned a dog that was smarter than you
Reply: He must have taught you everything you know
Insult: You make me want to puke
Reply: You make me think someone already did!
Insult: Nobody has drawn blood from me and no one ever will
Reply: You run THAT fast?
Insult: You fight like a dairy farmer!
Reply: How appropriate you fight like a cow!
Insult: I got this scar on my face from my last great battle
Reply: I trust now you've learnt to stop picking your nose
Insult: I've heard you are a contemptible sneak
Reply: Too bad no one has heard of you at all!
Insult: You're no match for my brain you poor fool!
Reply: I've be in real trouble if you ever used them!
Insult: You have the manners of a begger!
Reply: I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with me!
Insult: I wont take your insolence sitting down!
Reply: Your Haemmoroids are playing up again huh?
Insult: There are no words for how disgusting you are
Reply: Yes there are, you just never learnt them!
Insult: I've spoken to apes more polite than you
Reply: Im glad to hear you attended your family reunion
Insult: Have you stopped wearing diapers yet?
Reply: Why? Do you want to borrow one?
Note: One of the Xbox 360 achievements requires you to have learned all the
insults and their replies, so it's worth practicing some more if you are playing
on the 360 until you have the full list and the achievement has dinged.
On the map, click on the Sword Master's secret hideout. Once you are there tell
her that you are Guybrush Threepwood and that you are going to kill her.
The dual begins....
.... but wait, she's using totally different insults to the ones you learnt!
Nooooooooo! This cant be right?!
Well, it is right. In this dual you have to successfully reply to FIVE of the
Sword Masters insults. And yes, her insults may be different, but your replies
are still valid, so you need to work out which of your replies are correct.
For example, her insult of "You are a pain in the behind, sir!" can be
successfully countered with your reply of "Your hemorrhoids are playing up
again, eh?"
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I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.