The new Watchmen trailer is live!

The new theatrical trailer for Zack Snyder’s adaptation of Watchmen has gone live. Here it is:

This latest trailer focuses – as Snyder recently commented – more on the story than the previous, stylised image-burst.

That’s not to say there aren’t some arresting images in this one, but the rough plot ideas should help newcomers who’ve never so much as glanced at the graphic novel. Or, as we like to call them, philistines (Maybe you should have checked to see if your editor has read it first before making that generalisation, James - ed).

Rorschach focus

Partly narrated by Rorschach’s raspy tones (brought to perfect life by Jackie Earle Haley), the trailer should help in convincing even the naysayers that this is something to get very excited about for next year.

The footage combines material seen at Comic Con and some shots already glimpsed in the last promo.

Oh, and – spoiler alert! – looks like there’s a peek at a possibly changed ending to the book at the 1:02 minute mark. But we’ll say no more for now.

And if anyone was hoping for another glimpse of Dr Manhattan (Billy Crudup)’s… er… Manhattan-hood, you’re out of luck. Pervs.

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