The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Cheats

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II FAQs

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Unlockables

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Cover the Lands in Darkness (25) - Complete Evil Campaign.
    Captains of the West (25) - Complete Good Campaign.
    Servant of the Secret Fire (80) - Complete Good Campaign without a Hero dying.
    Servant of the Shadow (80) - Complete Evil Campaign without a Hero dying.
    The Dragons of Withered Heath (15) - Complete Evil Withered Heath with all bonus objectives.
    The Hobbit and the Troll (50) - Win a game against someone 20 places higher than you.
    Try a tutorial (0) - Lose to someone ranked 20 places below you.
    Sergeant (15) - Win 1 Versus game.
    Capture and Hold (15) - Win 1 Capture and Hold game.
    Capture them all (30) - Win 10 Capture and Hold games.
    Entrepreneur of Middle-earth (30) - Win 10 Resource Race games.
    General (30) - Win 10 Versus games.
    Good Practice (5) - Win 1 Single Player Skirmish game.
    In Need of a Lesson (0) - Lose 10 Multiplayer matches in a row.
    Istari Power (5) - Purchase first player power.
    King of Kings (30) - Win 10 King of the Hill games.
    King of the Hill! (15) - Win 1 King of the Hill game.
    Middle-earth Financier (15) - Win 1 Resource Race game.
    My Heroes are Better than ours (30) - Win 10 Hero Vs Hero games.
    My Heroes! (15) - Win 1 Hero Vs Hero game.
    Cleanse the Ettenmoors (10) - Complete Good Ettenmoors with all bonus objectives.
    Clear the High Pass (5) - Complete Good High Pass with all bonus objectives.
    Commandeer the Old Forest Road (10) - Complete Evil Mirkwood with all bonus objectives.
    Assault Dol Guldur (30) - Complete Good Dol Guldur with all bonus objectives.
    Crush Rivendell (30) - Complete Evil Rivendell with all bonus objectives.
    Defend Erebor (20) - Complete Good Erebor with all bonus objectives.
    Defend Rivendell (5) - Complete Good Rivendell with all bonus objectives.
    Demolish the Grey Havens (5) - Complete Evil Grey Havens with all bonus objectives.
    Destroy Lothlorien (5) - Complete Evil Lorien with all bonus objectives.
    Pillage Erebor (20) - Complete Evil Erebor with all bonus objectives.
    Ravage Fornost (10) - Complete Evil Fornost with all bonus objectives.
    Reclaim the Blue Mountains (10) - Complete Good Blue Mountains with all bonus objectives.
    Scour the Shire (10) - Complete Evil Shire with all bonus objectives.
    Rescue Celduin (15) - Complete Good Celduin with all bonus objectives.
    Secure the Grey Havens (10) - Complete Good Grey Havens with all bonus objectives.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Heroes

    Avatan - Win 10 Capture and Hold games.
    Ohta - Win 10 versus games.
    Celebrim - Win 10 Resource Race games.
    Felek - Win 10 Hero vs. Hero games
    Fhaleen - Win 10 King of the Hill games
    Brerthor - Complete the good campaign.
    Hadhood - Get all bonus objectives in Level 1 of the good campaign.
    Maur - Get all bonus objectives in Level 4 of the good campaign.
    Idrial - Get all bonus objectives in Level 8 of the good campaign.
    Krashnack - Get all bonus objectives in Level 1 of the bad campaign.
    Thrugg - Get all bonus objectives in Level 4 of the bad campaign.
    Olog - Get all bonus objectives in Level 8 of the bad campaign.
    Mektar - Complete good campaigne without losing any heroes.
    Tumna - Complete the bad campaign.
    Urulooke - Complete evil campaign without losing any heroes.

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Hints

  • Xbox 360, PC | Submitted by MATTY BOY

    Fun with Dwarves

    First, change the starting resources to 4000. Build a few mines. When you have 4500 resource points, upgrade your fortress with dwarven stonework. Next upgrade to a mighty catapult. The thing shoots half way across the map. This is a big bonus on the Good campaign at Dom Gildur. If you can aim it well you can annilate the Mordor counter attack. If you use this in skirmish, do the map of Osgillith - you can build a fortress near each bridge and fire away.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Reaper

    Obliterating Even Brutal Enemies Easily

    It's really pretty easy. Start off the skirmish buying your resource maker (farm/tree/mine/whatever), and with your other builder, get a barrack/range/ whatever. Once the unit building has been completed, you should have 2 farms, or about to get the second. Keep building resource buildings with that builder, while you build unit builders with the other builder.

    Here's the good part - On Brutal, the enemies ALWAYS attack your farms. So put a line of them up towards the enemies base, and constantly build your forces. Once they start attacking your farms, you should have enough units to crush them easily. Have your builder make a well/statue/forge, and start upgrading your guys. This is easiest with the Elves, since their Silverthorn arrows obliterate anything and everything. It's hardest with Isengard, because they tend to suck in general.

    Once you have a sufficient wall of troops to halt the enemy, save up your points for magical use until you have one of the two level 25 ones. When you are ready, summon your Lvl 15 allies, and use the Lvl 25 skill on the next group of enemies. Now you can rush into their base unhindered, and obliterate them.

    All archers works best, they clean the base in no time flat. I find that with the elves, dont bother using Mirkwood archers because they dont get armor upgrade, and take more command points. The only time I bother with the Mirkwood guys is when I have a Castle like Helm's Deep to defend, because their range is unmatched.

    All in all, it should take you anywhere from 8 - 15 minutes to crush any Brutal opponent using this method.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Tanner360

    Easy Resources

    In Skirmish, while playing as any dark force, set the map for Isengard. Put yourself inside of the giant wall. If you build a lot of lumber mills all around in that area, you will gain resources constantly because of how many trees are there. I recommend 8-10 Lumber mills. This only works with Mordor, Isengard, and the Goblins.

  • Xbox 360, PC | Submitted by Ballistic_Maniac

    Indestructable Archers in Skirmish

    In skirmish when you are playing with Men or Elves, instead of building a fortress at the start of the game, build: a couple of farms, (a baracks if you are elves), (an archery range if you are men), and an armory. Now upgrade the armory to level 3 and purchase all upgrades, including fire arrows at archery range when playing Men. Now construct two battalions of archers, and fully upgrade them. Then what ever direction the enemies are coming from, build a well and a hero monument right next to each other, and place your archers just in front of them so they are getting leadership from both the well and the hero monument. Now your archers will be indestructable because the well will auto-heal them, and the hero monument will give them +50% damage and armor, plus they will gain experience twice as fast accelerating them to level 5 in no time. Now the enemy will be crushed whenever they attack!

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Dwarven33King

    The Best Elven Hero: Thranduil

    As you might know, Thranduil is invisible all the time. But if enemy units or Fortress gets too close to him or he gets close them he will be uncoverd. First you want to kill wargs/trolls/wraiths/goblins with him, he doesn't kill buildings fast enough until level 7. Once you have the elven cloak, get into defense mode. Go into their base and pick off your enemies. When they get about a fortress length away click on elven cloak and don't attack anyone or move. You are now completely invisible. If they stay next to you, send a battalion of swordsmen to lead them off and pick a new location in the base. Buildings besides fortresses will not discover you so you're ok.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by gimli8888

    Assassinate Enemy Heroes

    Create a hero and give them the disguise and assassinate abilities (other abilities don't matter). Now train your custom hero and train a battalion of simple swordsmen and disguise your hero as one of them. The enemy will not attack your hero, so then you can assassinate the enemy hero that you choose.

  • PC | Submitted by anilation 101

    Easy Victory at Helms Deep or Minas Tiri

    This is easiest with the elves because Silverthorn arrows obliterate everything in their path. Close your front gate. Build a postern gate (and other resource-gathering buildings too). Then build a barracks. While this is being built recruit your cheapest hero and send them in front of the gate to guard against attacks. Build a forage and level it up - also upgrade your barracks. Then build 2 units of Mirkwood Archers. Buy your arrow up-grades and banner carriers and apply them to your archers. Put your archers on either sides of the gate. Then pull back your hero through the postern gate. Once the archers get to rank 3, build your regular archers and upgrade them. Switch the archers around when the wall archers get to rank 5. Then build 2 more sets of Mirkwood archers. When the regular archers get up to rank 5 switch them around with the new archers. Repeat until you have maxed out your population at 1000. Then buy all the powers that you can/want to buy. Send all your archers and hero to destroy the enemy.

  • PC | Submitted by Tanner360

    Easy Resources

    In Skirmish, while playing as any dark force, set the map for Isengard. Put yourself inside of the giant wall. If you build a lot of lumber mills all around in that area, you will gain resources constantly because of how many trees are there. I recommend 8-10 Lumber mills. This only works with Mordor, Isengard, and the Goblins.

  • PC | Submitted by Dwarven33King

    The Best Elven Hero: Thranduil

    As you might know Thranduil is invisible all the time. But if enemy units or Fortress gets to close to him or he gets close them he will be uncoverd. First you want to kill wargs/trolls/wraiths/goblins with him, he doesnt kill building fast enough till level 7. once you have elven cloak get into defense mode. go into ther base and pick off thier enemies. when they get about a fortress length away click on elven cloak and dont attack anyone or move. you are now completley invisible. if they stay next to you send a battlion of swordsmen to lead them off and pick new location in base. Buildings besides fortresses will not discover you so your ok.

  • PC | Submitted by gimli8888

    Assinate Enemy Heroes

    Create a hero and give them the disguise and assainate abilities (other abilities don't matter). Now train your custom hero and train a battalion of simple swordsmen and disgiuse your hero as one of them and the enemy will not attack your hero and then you can assainate the enemy hero that you choose.

  • PC | Submitted by Reaper

    Obliterating even Brutal Enemies easy

    It's really pretty easy. Start off the skirmish buying your resource maker (farm/tree/mine/whatever), and with your other builder, get a barrack/range/ whatever. Once the unit building has been completed, you should have 2 farms, or about to get the second. Keep building resource buildings with that builder, while you build unit builders with the other builder.

    Here's the good part - On Brutal, the enemies ALWAYS attack your farms. So put a line of them up towards the enemies base, and constantly build your forces. Once they start attacking your farms, you should have enough units to crush them easily. Have your builder make a well/statue/forge, and start upgrading your guys. This is easiest with the Elves, since their Silverthorn arrows obliterate anything and everything. It's hardest with Isengard, because they tend to suck in general.

    Once you have a sufficient wall of troops to halt the enemy, save up your points for magical use until you have one of the two level 25 ones. When you are ready, summon your Lvl 15 allies, and use the Lvl 25 skill on the next group of enemies. Now you can rush into their base unhindered, and obliterate them.

    All archers works best, they clean the base in no time flat. I find that with the elves, dont bother using Mirkwood archers because they dont get armor upgrade, and take more command points. The only time I bother with the Mirkwood guys is when I have a Castle like Helm's Deep to defend, because their range is unmatched.

    All in all, it should take you anywhere from 8 - 15 minutes to crush any Brutal opponent using this method.

    Have fun.

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Cheats

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by anilation 101

    Easy Victory at Helms Deep or Minas Tiri

    This is easiest with the elves because Silverthorn arrows obliterate everything in their path. Close your front gate. Build a postern gate (and other resource-gathering buildings too). Then build a barracks. While this is being built recruit your cheapest hero and send them in front of the gate to guard against attacks. Build a forage and level it up - also upgrade your barracks. Then build 2 units of Mirkwood Archers. Buy your arrow up-grades and banner carriers and apply them to your archers. Put your archers on either sides of the gate. Then pull back your hero through the postern gate. Once the archers get to rank 3, build your regular archers and upgrade them. Switch the archers around when the wall archers get to rank 5. Then build 2 more sets of Mirkwood archers. When the regular archers get up to rank 5 switch them around with the new archers. Repeat until you have maxed out your population at 1000. Then buy all the powers that you can/want to buy. Send all your archers and hero to destroy the enemy.

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II Glitches

  • PC | Submitted by steve

    Galadriel // Gandalf

    First get Gandalf in any map only in skirmish. Next hold down the crtl key and the shift key and put him inside a tower. When he comes out he is Galadriel!

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