The Long Good Friday review

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Although it's often hailed as one of Britain's best ever crime movies, this re-release of John Mackenzie's influential gang-dram is a reminder that, some-times, even the classics can date.

From the pastel atrocity of Helen Mirren's wardrobe to Francis Monkman's ludicrous synth-score, the embarrassing spirit of 1980 could never be exorcised from The Long Good Friday. But it's not like this renders the film unwatchable. In fact, it almost adds to its appeal in a kitschy kind of way, especially when you count all the minor Brit celebrities who pop up (including Casualty's Charlie, aka Derek Thompson). This doesn't, however, lessen the impact of either the drama or the violence.

Most importantly, The Long Good Friday features one of Bob Hoskins' best performances, as Harold Shand, the patriotic mobster who's heading for a fall. Without this towering central performance, it's likely that The Long Good Friday would have been sidelined as "that dodgy '80s gangster film" years ago.

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