The Last of Us Part 1 player finds out more about Joel and Tommy’s childhood thanks to a letter

The Last of Us Part 1 screenshot PS5
(Image credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment)

A The Last of Us Part 1 player has discovered an item in Joel's home that gives more of an insight into the character's childhood. 

Shared to The Last of Us subreddit, one fan found a letter Tommy wrote to his brother Joel as a child before the game's events. According to the player who shared the discovery, fans can find this item in Joel's house, by the looks of the image, pinned to a notice board before the infection had broken out. We also get our first mention of the two brother's parents in this letter which gives the characters a little more backstory. 

If you can't make it out from the screenshot below, Tommy's letter reads: "Hey Joel, I know I should be super psyched that I get to go to camp but I didn't realize how much I'd miss you. Anyway can't wait to see ya in a few weeks and tell mom I love her and let me know how your bike is coming together. Hopefully one day mom will let me ride it - doubt it. Love, Tommy."

letter_from_younger_tommy from r/thelastofus

This letter doesn’t really add much to the overall story of The Last of Us or The Last of Us 2, but it does give a new perspective on the pair’s relationship. Although - mild spoilers for if you’re yet to play through the first The Last of Us story - there are a few occasions when Tommy and Joel butt heads, for example shortly after their reunion in Jackson, the two were clearly close before the outbreak, which makes the events of The Last of Us Part 2 all the more heart breaking. If you know, you know. 

The letter is also a nice little reference to Joel’s love of bikes, as many devoted fans will already know, Joel tells Ellie in the first game about how one year for Tommy’s birthday, the pair planned to drive cross country on two Harley Davidson motorbikes. And judging from that letter, we’re sure the Miller brothers’ mother would have been horrified at the prospect. 

Are you about to get started with Joel and Ellie’s adventure? Take a look at our The Last of Us Part 1 guide to get started. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.