The Last Faith's new trailer rips open its unholy blend of metroidvania and soulslike gameplay

The Last Faith calls itself "an unholy alliance of Metroidvania and Soulslike" and the new gameplay trailer revealed at the Future Games Show Summer Showcase Powered by Intel shows exactly what that means. Mixing beautiful pixel art with challenging combat and tough bosses, this is a game that blends the best of both the genres it's channeling.

The brutal combat on display here lets you master a range of melee weapons, spells, and firearms to fight your way through the corrupted world of Mythringal as Eyrk. This is about precision combat as you better your skills and battle with lethal timing to take on the monsters you'll meet as you explore. Only the skillful will survive, killing all that stand in their way and unlocking a range of executions to finish fights in style. 

As well as combat, you'll explore a non-linear world full of puzzles and traps to learn more about your fate, while upgrading and developing your arsenal of tools to fight and survive. How and where you progress is entirely up you, your choices, and the skills you create to survive. 

The new trailer also gives us a look at the cinematics being used to tell the story. Again, created in a beautiful pixel art style built around darkly gothic themes. As Eryk, you wake with no memory of your past but quickly discover you're in a race to save your decaying mind and change the path of a hidden prophecy; chasing salvation in a battle against an ancient religious order, powerful divinities, and more, while trying to discover the truth. 

Follow The Last Faith on Twitter or the game's discord for more, and don't forget to wishlist The Last Faith on Steam!

If you’re looking for more excellent games from today's Future Games Show, have a look at our official Steam page.

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