The Hot Chick review

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Genial schlubby dope Rob Schneider attempts to mine comedic gold from a ridiculous premise, as a pair of enchanted Egyptian earrings switch the brains of grubby thieving lowlife Clive (Schneider) and spoiled brat Jessica (Rachel McAdams). Yes, it's a return to the body-swap comedy fad of the '80s (Big, Vice Versa), with the added bonus of Schneider flouncing around in skimpy clothing.

In fairness, there are some attempts to make this a heartwarmer - sweetness triumphs in the end - but The Hot Chick's mainly concerned with tampons, farting and Schneider's penis. What did you expect from the guy behind Deuce Bigalow?

A more gifted comedian like Mike Myers might have wrung some hearty laughs from the silly concept, and would almost certainly have found more to say about gender politics. All Schneider manages to do is come across as an unsightly transvestite. Funny? Occasionally. Memorable? Only in a mentally scarring kind of way. Believe us, Schneider in drag is an image you could well do without.

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