The entire Star Wars 9 plot may have been leaked and you can read it here (if you want to)

No, that’s not a typo. Someone’s been potentially leaking like a sieve when it comes to the Star Wars Episode 9 plot – that, or there’s just a big ol’ blabbermouth about. Either way, we’ve got a pretty good idea as to what to expect from the final movie in the new Star Wars trilogy judging by the leaker’s track record. As we all know, spoilers are a tricky thing - some people want to know everything about an upcoming movie, others won’t even watch the trailers - so we’re leaving the choice up to you. If you want to know what the leak says, you can read on for a bullet point breakdown of the main points, but if you’d rather not know, this is your official spoiler warning - turn away now!

Reddit user FOOSLS has the skinny on Star Wars 9 and, I know what you’re thinking, it’s just another guy looking for attention, right? Well, they also had access to an early storyboard of Star Wars: The Last Jedi and was pretty much on the money with a lot of the shocking moments – Canto Bight, Snoke dying – so we’re inclined to believe some of this stuff is ending up in the finished product. But take it with a Starkiller-sized grain of salt. Just sayin’.

We’re going to dissect the big moments from the leak below, but, if you so wish, you can read it in full right here. Are you ready?

Full (possible) spoilers for Star Wars 9 after the Ewok. Remember, this is from an alleged early storyboard. Don’t get too excited.

Ok, let’s do this. Here’s the important stuff:

·    Star Wars 9 is set five years after The Last Jedi

·    The First Order are in charge, with Kylo Ren being seen as a “benevolent” leader

·    Rey, Finn, Poe and Leia head to the Unknown Regions to rescue a “female alien prodigy” from the First Order

·    There’s a First Order mole helping the Resistance – which turns out to be Hux.

·    Rey has a “secret love child” which enrages Kylo

·    Kylo nearly kills Rey, but she is saved by Leia


Now, what does this all mean? First things first, let’s address the Leia-shaped elephant in the room. It’d be very unlikely that a CGI Leia would return and have such a prominent role given what Disney has said since Carrie Fisher’s death, so that could be out the window.

Elsewhere, the big Resistance plot to rescue an alien prodigy definitely ties into a casting call for a new female lead, so that pretty much checks out.

As for the “secret love child” – ehh, that’s all very iffy. It could work, but I’d wager most Star Wars fans aren’t here for a ‘who’s the father’ plotline to cap off the trilogy, even if it does lead to one final showdown between Kylo Ren and Rey. The plot as a whole, though, seems fairly likely. Two plot threads, much like The Last Jedi, seems the way to go. And the time jump has also been hinted at before, too, with John Boyega’s growing out of his hair. File this one under ‘not impossible.’

If this is how Star Wars 9 plays out, would you be pleased? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

How closely does that chime with our Star Wars Episode 9 theories? Read on to find out...

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.