The eight most talked about stories of the week

A lot of stuff happens in the world of games every week - some of which you might have missed. Here's a quick round-up of what we considered to be the most talked about news stories of the past five days....

God Of War III: It could only work on PS3...

In an interview with CVG, a UK representative for God of War III has gone on the record saying that it would be impossible to make the game on any other platform. Specifically, because its advanced lighting effects could only be created using the console's exclusive CELL processor. Interesting, but God of War III is a PS3 exclusive which makes it hard to argue the contrary...

Naughty Dog sees life in the PS3 for the next 5 - 6 years

One company definitely not interested in PlayStation 4 rumours is Naughty Dog, superstar developer of the Uncharted and Jak & Daxter series'. A spokesperson from the 'Dog told G4TV that the PS3 is a "bottomless pit of processing power", and will happily work on the current console for at least another half a decade. So expect at least three more Uncharted games then. And maybe even a new Jak & Daxter?

Bayonetta gets her own Playboy spread

Playboy has unleashed a coven of five sexy real-life witches for the readers of its high-brow gentlemen's publications to slather over. The pretence is that you get to vote for one of them to become the ultimate Bayonetta babe, and see her nude (at a price) on the Playboy website (link probably NSFW etc etc). See one of the videos over on the slightly more pervy CVG.

Blu-ray gets bigger

In news that seems important (and has definitely generated a large amount of interest over on CVG) Sony and Pansonic announced that new optical disc tecnology has enabled them to increase the size of a Blu-ray disc from 25Gb to 33.4Gb.

Forgive us for being Mr.Cynical, but it doesn't seem like that's very much to get excited about. If they'd, say, doubled it then that's worth standing up for - but this is just adding a few more Gbs. And anyway, last time we checked most games use hardly any of the current disc, so what are developers going to fill the extra space with? Bigger graphics? More sound? Extra colours?

Boy, 16, falls for mother of four, 42 in World of Warcraft

In a darkly humorous story, reports (and advises) on the bizarre case of a 16-year-old WoW addict from Canada who fell in love with a 42-year-old mother of four from - yep, you guessed it - Texas, in the course of playing the game.

While the boy's parents were aware of the relationship, they refused to let the two spend the night together at a hotel during the Christmas holiday - like they listened. After spending two illicit days together, the police caught the pair and despite wrists being slapped no one was prosecuted - the age of consent being 16 in Canada.

The 'punchline' is that the woman was arrested as soon as she got to Texas, where the age of consent is 17.

More Natal tech specs revealed

An in depth report on Microsoft's Project Natal by the New Scientist has revealed some new FACTS about the system. We recommend you read their story for all the science - but the headline info is that it uses just 50Mb worth of software and can recognise 31 different body parts in any video frame. Never mind the math, we're still trying to work out where they got all those parts from.

Xbox 360 sold 39 million worldwide

The 2010 console willy-waving has started all ready with Microsoft CEO and chief sweat producer, Steve Ballmer revealing that his company has sold 39 million Xbox 360s since launch. He was talking at a press conference during the Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas this week. To read more of his Xbox 360 stats and facts check Edge Online's round-up - including Sony's 'counter-wave'.

New Zelda Wii game will be released this year

And finally a short but sweet piece of info that will please any hardcore Legend of Zelda fan still clinging onto their Wii. A new Zelda game is coming in 2010. That is all.

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