Marvel's Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist & Defenders plans roughed out by Krysten Ritter

While Marvel are building to the Infinity War movies on the big screen, their Netflix division is gradually moving towards The Defenders. One key pillar of that heroic team is Jessica Jones; star Krysten Ritter brought the character to life tremendously in season one late last year, and a second season is on the way. 

While talking to Digital Spy, Ritter revealed that Jessica Jones season 2 and The Defenders will be filming "back-to-back. I don’t know if they’ll overlap a little bit. It’s about to be a serious undertaking. I’m starting my physical training—lots of weight training and boxing". 

"I’m excited to see what happens next for Jessica, and the end of season one left a lot of doors open and questions unanswered", Ritter continued. "Kilgrave was her reason for getting up every morning. Saving people gave her purpose. I wonder how emotionally taxed she’s going to be now. That opens a lot of doors as to who will come out and play. We all live in the same universe, so there are endless possibilities". 

There's a good chance we'll see Ritter much sooner than The Defenders; Luke Cage's solo series will hit Netflix in September, and the character established a significant relationship with Jessica last year. In any case, Ritter isn't confirming:

"Marvel have this grand plan. Luke Cage will come out, then Iron Fist. In terms of scheduling I don’t know how it will all come out and I can’t even tell you if I’ve filmed Luke Cage. But I’m excited for Mike to have his own show. I know the tone of that show is going to be very different".

Starring Mike Colter, Mahershala Ali, Alfre Woodard, Simone Missick, Theo Rossi, Rosario Dawson, Frank Whaley, and Sônia Braga, season 1 of Marvel's Luke Cage arrives in its entirety on Netflix September 30, 2016.

Images: Marvel/Netflix

Amon Warmann

Amon is a contributing editor and columnist for Empire magazine, but is also a Film and TV writer for 12DOVE, Total Film, and others. He has also written for NME, Composer Mag, and more, along with being a film critic for TalkSport. He is also the co-host of the Fade to Black Podcast, and a video mashup creator. Can also do a pretty good Bane impersonation.