The Case Against 8 review

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In 2008, California passed Proposition 8, a law banning same-sex marriage. The case against it is obvious, but HBO’s doc makes emotive, incisive work out of the courtroom ruckus. The surprise ace in its pack is the union of right-wing attorney Ted Olson with the super-articulate David Boies – previously opponents in the Bush-vs-gore clash.

While their destroy-all-comers strategies grip, emotional anchor is provided by the plaintiffs. The music busts a gut straining for weepie affect, but you might shed a few yourself when the five-year battle reaches its jubilant, justified climax.

Freelance writer

Kevin Harley is a freelance journalist with bylines at Total Film, Radio Times, The List, and others, specializing in film and music coverage. He can most commonly be found writing movie reviews and previews at 12DOVE.