The Bionic Commando launch site is HERE!

It seems like just yesterday we were playing Bionic Commando on our NES. But it was actually last week, because we at the GR offices love us some Bionic Commando, whether we’re playing with anexpensive propor beating other gaming journalists for akick-ass lunch box.

And it seems even yesterdaier that the next-gen return of BC was announced. But the much anticipated title is just days away. How many days, you may be wondering? Well wonder no more! You can know the time left up to the second at theBionic Commando Launch Center!

On top of that valuable ticker you’ll also find an ever-growing bevy of extra content about the title. So head over there to check out the info or just stare at the clock slowly counting down. It’s your choice in this democracy.

May 12, 2009

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