The best Thor: Ragnarok trailer theories and things you might have missed... is that Doctor Strange?!

You’ve probably only just put your socks back on after having them blown off by the Thor: Ragnarok trailer but, sorry, they’re about to be removed in excitement yet again. As it turns out, the trailer may hold the key to a whole bunch of cool theories for the future of the MCU, including where that pesky last Infinity Gem is. Here are the five best Thor: Ragnarok cool details and theories from the new trailer.

The T.H.A.N.O.S theory

Ok, now this is cool. To sum it up: each letter of Thanos should refer to the container where the Infinity Gem is found. So far we’ve got the Tesseract (Space), the Aether (Reality), the necklace from Doctor Strange (Time), the orb that contained the Power Stone in Guardians of the Galaxy and, finally, the Mind Stone, found in Loki’s sceptre (and Vision).

We’re missing an ‘H’ which, conveniently enough, we’ve probably seen in the Thor: Ragnarok trailer. Namely, Thor’s hammer – Mjolnir – going bye-bye or, more likely, Idris Elba’s character Heimdall (he of glowing orange eye fame) being the vessel for the Soul Stone. Did Marvel really put in that much work for so little payoff? God, I hope so…

*Who* is that next to Thor? 

Poor New York. If it’s not being taken over by aliens, it’s the backdrop for a literal hammer-burst. Because it sure looks like the shot of Mjolnir being crushed is from a New York side street. It wouldn’t look out of place in Daredevil, that’s for sure. Unless Asgard has a seedy underbelly we don’t know about?

Besides that, there’s someone standing next to Thor just as the hammer gets destroyed. Wait a minute, Thor… in New York. Is that Doctor Strange next to him (h/t Gizmodo)? That’d certainly be one hell of a way to open a movie - and we already know from Doctor Strange’s post-credits scene that Thor is in the Big Apple.. The green tinge to the figure makes me think it’s probably Loki though, but don’t be shocked to see Strange being a part of that climactic scene.

Here's the shot - you be the judge.

Hair today, gone tomorrow 

Thor’s luscious locks being chopped off was one of the trailer’s big talking points. It also gives us a few clues as to just what is happening and when. We now know Thor’s big confrontation with Hela (and imprisonment) should come at the very beginning of the movie before moving on New York, a short break for a haircut and then onto the gladiatorial pits of Sakaar.

It’s telling that we don’t get to see any shots of Thor on Asgard – expect that to make up the core of the final act.

A Loki entrance

What’s Loki’s deal? We see him two times in the trailer: Once perched awkwardly on a couch with Jeff Goldblum (man, is that a sentence I never thought I’d write), and the other looking all devilish and debonair leading out an army of what looks like Sakaar inhabitants. We know Thor’s half-brother isn’t trustworthy at the best of times but, if he’s aware of what is going on with Hela in Asgard then he may be pulling an inside job to get Thor off of the planet.

One final Thor/Loki reluctant team-up is all I want right now.

Planet Hulk

Talking of ‘what’s the deal with that?’ (I’m turning into Seinfeld at this point), how on earth did Hulk wind up on Sakaar? For that, we may have to turn to the comics and, specifically, Planet Hulk – which Thor: Ragnarok riffs on in a big way.

In Planet Hulk, the green giant crashes on Sakaar and is proclaimed to be some sort of mythical figure by the name of Sakaarson. It’s very unlikely the movie will follow the same path as the comics (probably because Hulk goes to war with the Avengers straight after) but it would make a whole lot of sense if Hulk is paraded around as some sort of great, mythical warrior – which is why he fights his ‘friend from work’.

Image: Marvel

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.