The Avengers 4 finale hasn’t even been filmed yet and could "take it in another direction", warns Mark Ruffalo

Most of us don’t know what’s going to happen in Avengers: Endgame when it hits cinemas next year, but who’d have thought that even the directors and cast don’t know how it’s going to end, fewer than nine months out from the release date. In fact, as Mark Ruffalo (second only to Tom Holland in the spoiler stakes) puts it, nothing has been set in stone and the whole Avengers 4 conclusion could change on a whim. So, that’s exciting.

During a discussion on the Marvelists podcast (H/T Den of Geek), the actor behind Bruce Banner/the Hulk has revealed that the forthcoming reshoots aren’t just plain ol’ reshoots – there’s actually a bunch more of the important stuff that needs to be filmed. Y’know. The whole ending thing. No biggie.

“We don't even know what it's gonna be yet. We're not just doing reshoots,” Ruffalo says, “We're going to finish the movie, which we really didn't get to finish totally when we left it last year.”

Of course, we shouldn’t be worried – unless the directors, the Russo brothers, have a keen idea of how things will pan out. What’s that, they don’t? Oh.

“I don't even know that [the Russo Brothers] really know exactly,” Ruffalo explains. “Some of it is happening while we're there. It's pretty amazing. And we'll shoot some stuff and a few days later come back and reshoot it cuz we wanna take it in another direction. It's a very living organism; even as we approach it being a locked picture, we're still working on it.”

Welp. The most anticipated upcoming movie of next year could very well be winging it for the final act. Except… they probably aren’t. Marvel isn’t silly enough to not have everything locked in yet. This could be a case of Ruffalo just teasing us or, more than likely, a few endings still being workshopped for Avengers 4. Either way, it’s going to punch us right in the feels again, isn’t it?

Need more gossip about how everything comes to a close? Check out what the cast has had to say about the Avengers: Endgame ending...

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.