The Ascent will get new DLC later this month

The Ascent
(Image credit: Neon Giant)

Last week, The Ascent marked its first anniversary by teasing the arrival of new content or DLC. This week, it's finally been officially confirmed: The Cyber Heist DLC will release on August 18.

"It's our first Year Anniversary!" the team announced last week. "We're humbled by the support and love we've had since launch. Thank you to our awesome community for sticking with us and for playing our game! We appreciate each and every one of you! Now with that being said, we'll just leave this [ten-second video teaser] here…"

While we still don't yet know all the details - Neon Giant's latest video trailer isn't giving away much more than we saw last week - but ​​it does announce: "Indents! Gear up for an all-new contract! The Cyber Heist DLC is coming August 18th!"

Here, check it out for yourself below:

Neon Giant promises we'll see a "final trailer coming at launch" so keep an eye out for that later this month. 

"The Ascent is a beautiful-looking game that feels overburdened by ambition," Josh said in his 12DOVE review of The Ascent, awarding it a middling 2.5 stars out of 5.

"The scale of its world is grand but there's little of interest to do in it. It's densely populated with characters, but few have little of interest to say and even less have a reaction to the way your actions are impacting their reality. The combat is tight to control but has little in the way of real variation. 

"If you were able to gather a few friends with an Xbox Game Pass subscription and blast through The Ascent over a few evenings, you'll likely have a good time, just don't come here expecting a cyberpunk world that you can invest any of yourself in."

But despite incomprehensible narrative, poor communication, and difficulty spikes, Josh said it does sport an incredible visual design, fun encounters, and tight gunplay.

There are plenty of big titles on our upcoming PS5 games and upcoming Xbox Series X games lists that you can get stuck into.

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.