TGS 2011: Hands-on with the 3DS Slide Pad

When we were first introduced to the 3DS peripheral known as the Slide Pad, we were understandably incredulous. Details were slim at first but eventually we learned how the attachment ships with an upcoming Monster Hunter game in Japan, needs a battery, and costs around $20 separately when it launches in Japan. However, as helpful as that information was, we were dying for an opportunity to get our hands on the device, something our trip to Tokyo Game Show afforded us. So now, straight from the TGS show floor, our first hands-on impressions of the controversial Slide Pad.

By the Monster Hunter corner of Capcom’s huge booth, a couple lovely ladies were standing around with models of the system and the attached Slide Pad. When we first held it our immediate impression was of how much lighter it felt than we expected. The weight was basically the same as the standard 3DS and we got a better grip of it thanks to the curved back.

The pad moved around identically to the circle pad on the left side, with similar give and resistance. As for the new shoulder buttons, they felt mostly natural in hand, though it was a strange sensation at first to press the extra triggers as Nintendo portables have ingrained in us the need to worry about one button per side. Though the size of the peripheral with the system is really going to impact the portability, the newly added space on the right side at least gave our hands more room on the back.

After seeing it in person, we feel a little more positive about it than when it was first revealed, and having played several of the games it’s compatible with (Metal Gear Solid 3D, Kingdom Hearts 3D), we’d much prefer using that pad to turn the in-game camera as opposed to the shoulder triggers in the normal versions. We’re not saying it isn’t clunky, but after holding it in our hands, we think this yet-to-be-announced for the US attachment isn’t as ridiculous as we thought.

Sep 16, 2011

Henry Gilbert

Henry Gilbert is a former 12DOVE Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.