Test Drive Unlimited review

The greatest showroom on Earth?

12DOVE Verdict


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    Damn sexy cars

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    Boggling number of races

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    Owning homes


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    Irritating five-o

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    Island's a little too big sometimes

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    Might turn off sim buffs

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Test Drive Unlimited is quite unlike any other driving game. How on Earth could anyone think it possible - or sane - to try and replicate a tropical paradise etched with some 1000 miles of roads, featuring no load times when roaming, accurately-rendered cars from over two-dozen manufacturers (including detailed dashboard views) and a sickening number of race-based challenges? We don’t know. But Melbourne House, thankfully, hasn’t even stopped to get snagged on such a question - it’s just knuckled down, crammed everything in from the Xbox 360 version and squeezed out something of a technical marvel.

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DescriptionIt's tough to imagine a better looking driving game than this one, which gives you gorgeous vehicles and then lets you rev their engines across a stunning setting.
Franchise nameTest Drive
UK franchise nameTest Drive
Platform"Xbox 360","PS2","PSP","PC"
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)