Test Drive Unlimited review

The car's the star

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Still, there’s room for some careful consideration come race time. Success, especially in online bouts, isn’t always born of having the best car, but rather the right car for the job. Your rival’s Camaro might have more horsepower than your car, but if bitter experience has taught you that it doesn’t take sharp corners well, then you know that your lesser-powered steed will still have the edge in a bendy race.

Each car has a barrage of stats to pore over, but you really won’t understand what your car is and isn’t suited to until you’ve burned up a few miles of coastal highway in it. With an insanely large roster of cars (and a few motorbikes to boot) to buy from, not all of which are always in stock in the many showrooms, there’s always some fresh curveball to shake your complacent faith in your own abilities, and always some lovely new shiny-shiny to lust uncontrollably after.

More info

DescriptionIt's tough to imagine a better looking driving game than this one, which gives you gorgeous vehicles and then lets you rev their engines across a stunning setting.
Franchise nameTest Drive
UK franchise nameTest Drive
Platform"Xbox 360","PS2","PSP","PC"
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)