Taron Egerton says he's not part of the Bond conversation: "I think they've already got someone and it's not me"

Apple TV Plus
(Image credit: Apple TV Plus)

Taron Egerton is a busy man, having just finished filming a new Netflix movie and rounded up press on his Apple TV Plus show Black Bird. Next up, he's got Tetris, the latest film Egerton stars in from Matthew Vaughn's British-American production company Marv Studios. Directed by Jon S. Baird (Filth, Stan & Ollie), Tetris is not a video-game movie in the traditional sense, instead telling the story of the development and Henk Rogers' involvement in it. 

"When Matthew [Vaughn, producer] asked me over the phone what I thought, I was a bit like, 'What is it that you think..?' I don't know," Egerton tells Total Film magazine in the latest issue, which features Renfield on the cover. "It was hard to wrap my head around it. I read it and it's just mad as a box of frogs, you know? It's this insane story with this really lovable, eccentric central character. And, yeah, I just thought, 'Why not? I'll have a bit of that.' It was right at the end of the first lockdown that I signed up to do [the film]. The world had been stopped for a few months, and I was just so excited to get back out there, really."

Egerton's name has also been linked to James Bond casting rumors ever since he hit the big screen in Kingsman: The Secret Service. However, according to Egerton, he's not involved in the conversations for that. When asked by Total Film about this, he says: "Yeah. I mean, I think they've already got someone, and it's not me." 

Pushed on whether this is just based on instinct, Egerton adds: "Yeah. I mean, I've never been a part of the conversations. I've never met the Broccolis. They've never enquired about me. I've just never been one of the guys that they're looking at. I just don't think I'm the right person for that. I think there's much, much, much better candidates for that role than me. But, you know, I'd be a very willing audience member. They're brilliant films."

Tetris streams on Apple TV+ from March 31. For more from Egerton's interview, featuring more insight into the new movie, why he's not going to play Wolverine, and how he found working with Matthew Vaughn again, grab a copy of the new issue of Total Film magazine when it hits shelves (and digital newsstands) this Thursday, March 2. Check out the covers below:

Total Film's Renfield covers.

(Image credit: Universal/Total Film)

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(Image credit: Total Film)
Matt Maytum
Editor, Total Film

I'm the Editor at Total Film magazine, overseeing the running of the mag, and generally obsessing over all things Nolan, Kubrick and Pixar. Over the past decade I've worked in various roles for TF online and in print, including at 12DOVE, and you can often hear me nattering on the Inside Total Film podcast. Bucket-list-ticking career highlights have included reporting from the set of Tenet and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as covering Comic-Con, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival.

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