TalkRadar UK Compendium

TalkRadar UK is a weekly podcast from the gentlemen of GamesRadar UK. If you're looking for insightful, witty and considered game conversation, interspersed with serious debate about the pressing game issues of the day - you might as well click back and moonwalk the hell out of here.

If, however, you're looking for a gaming podcast that doesn't take itself too seriously while talking about games in the same way you would with your friends at the pub, in school or the prison exercise yard then you've come to the right place. If it's too British for you there always theoriginal TalkRadar podcast from our American cousins.

So here for your convenience is our entireback catalogue of shows in one handy list. Enjoy!

The one with the pre-soiled underwear

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The one with the Tokka/Toe-cah debate

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The one where someone leaves forever

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The one with the bollock batter

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The one with the mixed nuts

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The one where the talking can’t be stopped

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The one with the Amsterdam milkmaids

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The one with the Cleveland steamer

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The one with the maggot-filled cheese

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The one with the all the festivities

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The one with all the bobbins

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The one with the dry humping

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The one where inches make all the difference

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The one with Ronald McDonald’s butchering skills

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The one with Fiddler’s beach

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The one with the Z-list celebrities

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The one with the battery operated hand

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The one with the Ibiza kebab

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The one with the monkey astronaut

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The one with the ice level

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The one with the rear naked chokeholds

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The one with the Gregorian chants

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The one with the needless swearing

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The one with the creamy mess

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The one with the real human hair

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The one with the custard-filled minigame

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The one with all the gamescom chatter

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The one with the new retro bit

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The one with the guitar, the magic and the Pikmin cosplay

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The one where Nathan goes AWOL

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The one where super powers are sexy

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The one with the anime porn

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The one with the flaming rabbit

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The one where we bang on about 3D being the future of gaming

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The one where we talk about E3 again, this time with hindsight

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The one where we deliver our scathing opinions and wondrous praise on E3 2010

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The one where we have an impromptu pre-E3 special

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The one where we regale PR event stories and deliver egg-cellent puns

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The one where we talk in 3D and get contrary about Red Dead Redemption

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The one where we’re easily distracted

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The one that’s like so totally overrated

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The one where there’s a disturbing amount of gravel-voiced innuendos

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The one where we ramble quite a bit about things other than games

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The one where it all goes slightly high-brow for a brief few minutes

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The one where there’s very little understanding of Question of the Week

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The one where we bitch about the iPad

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The one where we talk about inspirational games

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The one with the helping of hate. Not a lot but a bit

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The one where we talk about games but maybe too much about strippers

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The one where we pour scorn on rubbish game characters and go balls out

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The one where we discuss the fallout from the ApocalyPS3

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The one with the musical memories

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The one where the news goes wrong

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The one where we talk about the demise of J-RPGs

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The one where we separate the men from the boys

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The one where we talk about films almost as much as we do about games

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The one where we talk about the death of the Western

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The one where we discuss forklift trucks for waaaaaay to long

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The one where we get semi-excited about the gaming year ahead

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End of year Xbox 360 special with Mike Gapper of Xbox 360 World

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The one where we do a Nintendo special with NGamer games editor Matthew Castle

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The one where we do a PlayStation special with PSM3′s editor, Dan Dawkins

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The one where Modern Warfare online is referred to as unbalanced and we relax the swear laws

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The one where we drop the background music and introduce a soundboard

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The one where we talk mostly about films

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The one where we discuss the Golden Joystick awards and Dave M has a seriously mad moment

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The one where Busking Hero and Stick Whittling are discussed as new gaming franchises

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The one with the porn references

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Angels, red-rings and giant cockroaches

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FIFA 10, PES 2010 and champagne pizzas

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PSP Go, making crap games not as crap

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Halo 3, Uncharted 2 and prison

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Gamescom round-up

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MW2, Halo Wars and game characters we'd like to cruise with

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Urine, high price of MW2 and burning buildings

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World at War Zombies, energy drinks and sexy time

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Electrocution, Crystal Meth and nights on the town

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Where it all started - mostly awkwardness and E3 2009

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Last updated:September 21st 2010

12DOVE was first founded in 1999, and since then has been dedicated to delivering video game-related news, reviews, previews, features, and more. Since late 2014, the website has been the online home of Total Film, SFX, Edge, and PLAY magazines, with comics site Newsarama joining the fold in 2020. Our aim as the global GamesRadar Staff team is to take you closer to the games, movies, TV shows, and comics that you love. We want to upgrade your downtime, and help you make the most of your time, money, and skills. We always aim to entertain, inform, and inspire through our mix of content - which includes news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.