MTG Marvel explained, from release date to pricing

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Wolverine and Captain America from MTG Marvel

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

1. What is it?
Release date
3. Products
4. Mechanics
5. Story
6. Pre-orders

Magic: The Gathering has been steamrolling its way into different franchises with a fury that'd put the X-Men's Juggernaut to shame, and now MTG Marvel is being eyed for a teamup. Because this move combines one of the world's biggest franchises with one of its best card games, I fear a pop-culture black hole has been created to hoover up all our money.

But what will this superhero-Magic combo look like? Is it based on the Avengers films? And will MTG Marvel be a full set? To answer all these pressing questions (and a few others besides), I've combined my decades of comic-book knowledge with a Magic: The Gathering obsession to create this guide. You'll find everything you need to know about the crossover here, including when it'll come out and which mechanics it could use.

New to the hobby and tempted to join in with MTG Marvel on the horizon? No problem – be sure to visit our guide on how to play Magic: The Gathering.

What is MTG Marvel?

MTG Marvel's Iron Man armoring up

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • It's a 'Universes Beyond' crossover set
  • It's getting a full range with Commander decks
  • Inspired by all of Marvel, not just the MCU

MTG Marvel is a Magic: The Gathering set based on the Marvel comics universe, and it's part of the game's 'Universes Beyond' label. If that name doesn't ring a bell, it's the publisher's title for any crossovers that aren't part of its 'main' Magic series.

This isn't a one-off that'll be fired out and forgotten, though. Based on comments from developers at Wizards of the Coast, I think it'll be similar to Magic's Lord of the Rings crossover in terms of scale. (It was noted that a full "tentpole" set was on the way in a Polygon interview, and senior product designer Daniel Nguyen says that an upcoming Spider-Man will be "a full-sized set. Not a small thing.") Essentially, it sounds as if MTG Marvel is big enough to become a new sub-community in and of itself.

Is MTG Marvel based on the MCU?

Sorry, MCU fans; MTG Marvel is not based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It takes inspiration from the comics instead.

However, that isn't to say it ignores the silver-screen Avengers. Many of the set's designs are inspired by the MCU, so it should be familiar to those who've only watched the movies.

MTG Marvel release date

Captain America deflects an energy blast using his shield while Black Widow and Falcon move in the background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)

There isn't an exact MTG Marvel release date yet, but we know for sure that it'll drop sometime in 2025.

You'll be able to get a taste of what's to come before then, though. A handful of cards are being launched as part of a 'Marvel Superdrop' Secret Lair this November 4, 2024. This recreates some of Marvel's biggest heroes along with the allies or accessories that usually accompany them, from Captain America to Wolverine. Because stock is limited, you'll need to move fast if you want your copies – head to the official Secret Lair page for more. But be warned: pricing matches the cards' rarity, so prepare to pay $39.99 USD per card at a minimum for the most basic non-foil options.

MTG Marvel products

A gallery of blue Spider-Man comic panels, with a Spider-Man logo over the top

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • Very limited Secret Lair superdrop in 2024
  • Full Spider-Man set in 2025
  • Potential for more in the future

There isn't an MTG product list just yet, but we know for sure that a Secret Lair superdrop is in the pipeline alongside a full set based on Spider-Man in 2025. While details on the latter are practically non-existent, we know quite a bit about the former thanks to New York Comic Con 2024. It focuses on Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, Wolverine, and Storm.

Unfortunately, these won't last long and demand is guaranteed to be high. At $39.99 USD per non-foil card set or $49.99 USD for the foil version, they'll set you back a (vibranium) arm and a leg too.

Where the Spider-Man set is concerned, we know for sure that there will be a lot of boosters – as noted on the official site, "Marvel's Spider-Man slings cards from across the Spider-Verse into your favorite decks." That'd suggest a focus on booster packs instead of anything more substantial, but I wouldn't count out a bigger push yet. It's pure conjecture on my part, but I'd be astounded if Wizards of the Coast didn't squeeze every drop of potential from the theme like they did with Lord of the Rings. I'm talking multiple Commander precons based on heroes and villains from the Spider-universe (Peter Parker, Miles Morales, the Sinister Six, Venom, etc), Collector boosters, and a beginner-friendly starter set at the least. Considering how well previous crossovers have sold, I don't believe for a second that Wizards won't capitalize on this brand to its fullest.

MTG Marvel mechanics

Black Panther kicking Klaw's arm, with the Dora Milaje watching

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • Few details exist beyond the Secret Lair drop…
  • … which mainly repurposes old mechanics
  • Expect recycled spider-abilities like Mantle of Webs

Beyond the cards featured in November 2024's Secret Lair superdrop, Wizards of the Coast is keeping schtum on how MTG Marvel will play. This isn't surprising; we don't even know what its first real set looks like, after all.

Nevertheless, we can make some educated guesses based on that Secret Lair and Marvel lore. To start with, the cards we have seen use existing mechanics in thematically appropriate ways. Captain America can 'throw' an Equipment card between one and three opponents to deal damage, for example, before catching it again next turn. Similarly, Black Panther emphasizes vibranium by moving +1/+1 counters from land cards to creatures you control. Even Wolverine is a picture-perfect recreation of the adamantium-infused mutant thanks to a 'Regenerate' ability that taps and heals his card if it's defeated. (So long as you've had the foresight to activate this ability, anyway.) With that in mind, it doesn't feel as if we're in danger of these characters being used for lazy reskins.

As for how Spider-Man's set will play out, I suspect it'll make good use of existing arachnid mechanics such as Mantle of Webs, Spider Climb, and the ability to take down flying creatures due to webbing. Because Wizards have already been name-dropping the Spider-Verse, though, I wonder if some kind of multiversal 'travel' (AKA stealing cards from your opponent) could be a factor. In much the same way, I'd anticipate symbiotes – or cards you can equip with special rules – to play a part in the set.

MTG Marvel story

Storm summons ice and winds while the X-Men watch in the background

(Image credit: Wizards of the Coast)
  • Unlikely to have a narrative that'll tie it all together
  • Will recreate existing plots or moments
  • Some new, MTG-specific costumes likely

There isn't any word on whether we'll get an official narrative to go with MTG Marvel sets, but I wouldn't count on it. If Lord of the Rings and MTG Fallout are any indication, they'll nod at existing plots or characters without telling any new stories of their own.

All the same, they will have original character designs. We've already seen as much with the MTG Marvel Secret Lair superdrop, and despite many costumes being identical to their comic counterparts, some (like Captain America) are entirely new. I'd anticipate the same treatment for Spider-Man and his cast of characters.

MTG Marvel pre-orders

Sadly, we're still a ways out from being able to pre-order – or save money on – MTG Marvel sets. We don't know how much they'll cost at the time of writing either.

The best we have is the Secret Lair superdrop pricing. Those sets (with between five to six cards each) are $39.99 USD for non-foil and $49.99 USD with foil.

Want something to play before MTG Marvel arrives? Give the best board games a whirl, or try the best tabletop RPGs.

Benjamin Abbott
Tabletop & Merch Editor

As the site's Tabletop & Merch Editor, you'll find my grubby paws on everything from board game reviews to the latest Lego news. I've been writing about games in one form or another since 2012, and can normally be found cackling over some evil plan I've cooked up for my group's next Dungeons & Dragons campaign.