Surprise! Baldur's Gate 3 is out on Xbox right now

Well folks, we finally know the Baldur's Gate 3 Xbox release date. It's, uh, today. Like, now. Surprise!

On the heels of its GOTY win at the Game Awards live show, Baldur's Gate 3 has surprise-launched on Xbox. I mean, it's sort of a surprise; we knew it was coming this month, but we didn't know it was coming right freakin' now.

Oh well. More people getting access to Baldur's Gate 3 is always good. I don't know if you've heard this, but it's real good. 

Astonishingly, now is actually an even better time to get into Baldur's Gate 3. The RPG has received a wealth of updates since launch earlier this year, and the latest patch was a literal game-changer. 

Patch 5 introduced Honour Mode, for starters, which cranks up the difficulty and throws in permadeath for a wildly challenging experience that even experienced players are struggling with. More importantly, we got a new story epilogue with some 3,600 lines of "some of the most complex writing in the game," and it puts a tidy little bow on the already epic story. 

The single biggest quality-of-life change in the latest update is easily the inventory fix which lets you rifle through all your companions' backpacks even if they aren't in your party. You Xbox folks don't know how good you've got it, starting out with all this stuff. I've half a mind to replay the RPG just to experience the sheer bliss of it all, but I don't know if I've got another 120 hours to spare right now. 

The Baldur's Gate 3 patch notes didn't mention the most important change, but players sure found it: penis physics. 

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.