Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character unlocks, and how to win with every fighter


How to play
Nintendo’s resident robot favours ranged combat above all else. Use R.O.B.’s Robo Beam and Gyro to effectively zone enemies, forcing them to play defensive or tank the hits.  

Good for
R.O.B.’s projectiles deliver decent amounts of damage across all distances. His aerial game is also strong thanks to his Robo Burner which allows him to effortlessly fly and attack at the same time.

Weak at
While R.O.B.’s range and aerial moves offer him a number of decent KO options his ground attacks are on the weaker end of the spectrum thanks to their limited reach. 

How to play
Toon Link Link shares a lot of similarities to previous Hyrule heroes in Super Smash Bros. 4 and has the same abilities as Young Link. As a result, his playstyle will feel familiar. Use his ranged gadgets and mobility to crush your opponent.

Good for
Projectile spam is Toon Link’s forte.  Poke and set up combos with his Bow, Boomerang, and Bombs before going in for some deadly Hookshot throws.  

Weak at
Toon Link smaller stature weakens his overall KO ability and his floatiness makes aerial endeavours rather risky. His projectiles can be also be reflected and turned against him, effectively switching off a lot of his DPS and combo potential.


How to play
Use Wolf’s Blaster to soften up your opponent before dashing in and slashing at them you’re your fast neutrals. Take the fight to the skies and use Wolf’s deadly aerial attacks to constantly keep them from ever touching the ground.

Good for
Wolf’s aerial game is fantastic thanks to his high air speed and fast jumps. His fast falling speed also allows him to transition effortlessly between ground and air combat. As a result, Wolf’s combo game is very strong.

Weak at
Wolf’s recovery is his biggest downfall. Wolf Flash and Fire Wolf cover very little distance and offer very small amounts of recovery, so take care when going for those off stage Kos.


How to play
Set up camp on the side of the stage by planting a tree and use Timber to send it crashing down on those below. Zone your foes by barraging them with LIoid Rocket’s and force them into unwinnable fights beneath the safety of your tree.

Good for
Villager's playstyle is tailored towards his powerful zoning and camping game, both of which are ridiculously strong. Timber gives him great defensive and offensive capabilities, while his side smash can instantly put an end to most recoveries.

Weak at
All of Villager’s KO options have incredibly long windup animations that can be easily punished if he misses them, often leading to some rather frustrating losses. 

Mega Man

How to play
Launch a full ranged offensive by throwing out Metal Blade, Crash Bomber, Leaf Shield, and Mega Buster pellets. Once you have chipped away at your foe’s health it’s time to go in for the KO. Simply dash towards your enemy and utilise Mega Man’s back throw to send them flying.

Good for
Mega Man excels at zoning and pressuring his opponent. He can capitalise on shielded targets thanks to his quick grab game and his tilt and down smash offer some decent finishing moves.  

Weak at
Mobile characters can be particularly troublesome for Mega Man as they can simply rush through his projectiles, forcing him into close quarters combat. His short range attacks do little to dissuade more aggressive opponents.

Wii Fit Trainer

How to play
Boost your offensive capabilities with Deep Breathing before rushing into combat. The added movement speed and launch power will give your attacks even more oomph. Remember to fully charge Sun Salutation to regain a bit of health and apply pressure to ranged targets.

Good for
Wii Fit Trainer can quickly rack up damage thanks to the buff from Deep Breathing which makes her an extremely powerful brawler. Her smash attacks are also difficult to avoid thanks to their unusual hitbox, granting her decent KO potential.

Weak at
The strange nature of Wii Fit Trainer’s smash attacks can also be a double-edged sword. They may confuse less experienced players, but their short range and long windup animations make them harder to land at higher tiers of play. 

Rosalina and Luma

How to play
Use Luma Shot to extend Rosalina’s attack range and pressure foes with a starry surprise. Make sure to reposition Luma to stop the star from tanking unnecessary shots. A hit and run approach is often best as it will increase Luma’s overall survivability.

Good for
Rosalina and Luma are a fantastic defensive duo that can instantly negate projectile spam and deliver high amounts of damage across all distances.

Weak at
Once Luma falls in combat Rosalina is left to fend for herself. This is bad news for Rosalina as her weight makes her very easy to knock off the stage. Unfortunately, tanking hits is not an option.

Little Mac

How to play
Deliver a flurry of deadly jabs and knockout punches with your Straight Lunge, Haymaker, Rising Uppercut, and KO Uppercut. Use Little Mac’s speedy footwork to get behind foes in order to land colossal smash attacks that deal huge amounts of damage.

Good for
Little Mac’s ground game is ridiculously effective. He revels in close quarter combat thanks to his the overall bulk and heavy hitting attacks. The Punch-Out!! protagonist also has plenty of KO potential and can easily overwhelm his opponent, especially when he has access to KO Uppercut.

Weak at
While Little Mac’s weight and super armour allow him to trade blows with his enemies, he struggles to get back on the stage when launched. Little Mac prefers to have his feet firmly planted on the ground.


How to play  
This ninja frog delivers lightning-fast attacks and deadly counters to toy with his prey. Close the gap with Shadow Sneak and begin using your up and down tilts to smack the daylights out of your foe. Try to bait out enemy smash attacks so that you can launch a swift counter with Substitute.  

Good for
Greninja’s high mobility allows it to go in for quick trades that can often lead to favourable combos and KOs. Water Shuriken also makes Greninja deadly at range, especially when this ability is fully charged.  

Weak at
Greninja’s aerial moves may be very powerful when used correctly, but the animation lag can leave it open to punishing blows.

Mii Fighter

How to play
When building a Mii Fighter you can choose between Swordfighter, Brawler and Gunner. Each of these classes will impact how you play. For example, the Brawler relies on its mobility, attack speed, and damage to find openings, while the Gunner favours ranged attacks that force foes to take a more defensive approach.

Good for
The great thing about the Mii Fighter is that you can completely customise their moveset, making them incredibly versatile. The Mii Swordfighter, Mii Brawler and Mii Gunner all borrow and adapt moves from existing Smash Bros. characters, so give them a go and find a playstyle that suits you.

Weak at
The biggest threat to the Mii Fighter squad is that many of their custom moves often get banned from online play. As a result, this leaves them with poor mobility and lacklustre KO potential.

Freelance writer

James Busby is an experienced journalist who has written for sites like 12DOVE, Kotaku, Red Bull Gaming, and many more. James has a BA (Hons) in Journalism, and can usually be found writing news, reviews, and guides over at Dexerto.