Suol Calibur 2 cheats


Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Another Survival Mode

Beat survival mode with 10 or more wins

GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar


In arcade mode after you pick your character and the level is loading press X to taunt

GameCube | Submitted by bob zukini

Unlock Soul Calibur Shop

First you must beat Rigel and Merak on Chapter 2. Then another stage (Procyon) will be below it. Then beat that and another stage will be below that (Chepeus) and go to the shop and it will have every characters ultimate weapon.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Sophitia

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 4. Beat Sophitia in the last area and she will become playable.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Cervantes

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 3. Beat Cervantes in the last area and he will become playable.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Egyptian Crypt

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 5 of chapter 8

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 2 of chapter 7

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Arcade Version Opening Sequence

Beat extra time attack mode on extreme difficulty 4 times

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Arcade Mode

Finish arcade mode using any character

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Seung Mina

Use Weapon Master mode and get to chapter 6. Beat Seung Mina in the "Palace Icon" area and she will become playable.

Xbox | Submitted by Dr.Nick

Alternate Opening Screen

To gain a different start screen complete every mission available in Weapon Master mode, including the secondary missions unlocked after initial completion. The announcer's voice will also change.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Practice Mode

Finish weapon master mode using any character.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Charde

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 2. Beat Charde in the first area of chapter and he will become playable. You can only win with a ring out in the match.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by CloudStrife150

Soul Edge(Complete)

To get everybody's Soul Edge (Complete) you have to beat the game once.Then when you have extra missions, you go to subchapter 4.Beat that. Then go to the chapter above that and go to shop. There you can buy everybody's Soul Edge(complete.)Note:This is everybody's best weapon. But you have to pay $7,500 or more to buy one.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Character Bios And Demo Theatre

Use any character to finish arcade mode or extra arcade mode

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Another Vs. Team Battle Mode

Finish the extra team battle mode

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Vs. Mode

Finish extra arcade mode using any character

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Eric Austin

Unlock Extra Modes

To unlock extra modes, complete the challenges listed below:

Extra Practice Mode: Beat Stage 1 of Chapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack Mode- Standard: Beat Stage 1 of Chapter 5 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- Standard: Beat Stage 5 of Chapter 6 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack Mode- Alternative: Beat Stage 4 of Chapter 9 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Team Battle Mode: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- Death Match: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack- Extreme: Beat Stage 1 of Extra Chapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- No Recovery: Beat Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Arcade Mode: Either attempt Arcade Mode 10 times, or beat it once

Extra VS Battle Mode: Either attempt Extra Arcade Mode 5 times, or beat it once

Extra VS Team Battle Mode: Either attempt Extra VS Battle Mode 5 times, or beat it once

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Yoshimitsu

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 2. Beat Yoshimitsu in the last area and he will become playable.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Eric Austin

Unlock The Bad Guys

To play the bad guys you must:

Berserker: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Lizardman: Beat All Stages of Subchapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Assassin: Beat Stage 2 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Yoshimitsu: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Charade: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Cervantes: Beat Stage 4 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Sophitia: Beat Stage 5 of Subchapter 4 in Weapon Master Mode

Seung Mina: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 6 in Weapon Master Mode

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by superseanman12

How To Unlock Alioth, Subchapter 2

This is the hardest section of weapons master mode to reach. To unlock this area, a players ranking must be in edgemaster range (Level 72 is the first edgemaster rank). After that, the player must overcome chapter 4, stage 3 a second or third time simply to the road to Alioth.

Xbox | Submitted by nick a.k.a Blade

More To Do To Get Lizard Man

In order to be lizard man u need to become an edgemaster rank. the first e.m. rank is level 72. to reach sub chapter two be level 72 or higher. then beat a level in mizar (preferably merope monastery) in extra or regular mission again. there should then be the road to alioth. after beating that fully, lizard man will become selectable. this will only work if you have beat the whole weapon master mode. if you beat alioth before then like myself, the lizard man will only be selectable when you finish the game. I am level 75 grand edge master of the basilik and know what I am talking about. you can also purchase all joke/fake weapons. like nightmare's galley oar or kilik's bamboo staff.

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Weapon Unlocks

Talim- Double Crescent Blade Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 3 Raphael- Schweizer Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 4 of Chapter 3

Cervantes-Acheron Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 3

Maxi- Fuzoroi Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 3

Xianghua- Soul Calibur Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 5

Seung M a- Halberd Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 6 of Chapter 6

Nightmare- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Chapter 7

Necrid- Ethereal Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 8

Seung M a- Ambassador Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 10

Sophitia- Synval Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 10

Xianghua- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 1 of Subchapter 2

Voldo- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Subchapter 2

Taki- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 2

Cassandra- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 4 of Subchapter 2

Mitsurugi- Souvenir Gift Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 3

Maxi- Termite Snack Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 4

Mitsurugi- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Cassandra- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Cervantes- Imitation Sword Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Kilik- Bamboo Staff Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 1

Astaroth- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 1

Nightmare- Galley Oar Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 1

Ivy- Prototype Ivy Blade Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 2

Necrid- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 2

Sophitia- Memento Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 2

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Money Pit

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 1 of chapter 4

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Labyrinth

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 6 of chapter 6

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Lakeside Coliseum

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 3 of chapter 1


PS2 | Submitted by big D

All Joke Weapons

This is a list of all the joke weapons for everyone EXCEPT Link & Spawn, the reason being that I suck at the gamecube version and I don't have an Xbox. Note that Charade has EVERYONE'S weapon, but the type is completley random.

Mitsurugi: souvenir gift

Heihachi: neshougagsu

Necrid: ethereal edge

Taki: tobacco pipes

Talim: weight

Cassandra: keepsake

Yunsung: child's sword

Raphael: cane

Kilik: bamboo staff

Xianghua: calligraghy brush

Maxi: termite snack

Yoshimitsu: shepherd's crook

Nightmare: galley oar

Ivy: prototype ivy blabe

Cervantes: imitation sword

Sophitia: memento

Astaroth: rock

Voldo: tambourine

Seung Mina: feather broom

GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar


Beat Weapon Master with Nightmare without losing a single life. After you beat it, It will say new feature unlocked and it will show a clip of Nightmare morphing into Spawn.

GameCube | Submitted by Gilbert

Nightmares Weapons

This is not really a cheat. But it will help the fans of nightmare. Here is nightmares weapons.



3.Great Blade

4.Steel Paddle






10.Soul Calibur

11.Galley Oar

GameCube | Submitted by nicus9

Easy Experence And Money

In the Weapons Master part of the game in the first level, where u are trying to prove yourself, just keep losing the battles by letting the time run out and u will get 100 money and experience each time. This is a good trick if u believe in being prepared for future fights.

GameCube | Submitted by VolcanicFighter

Defeat Long Range Fighters

Ok so when you're against some long range fighters like Ivy, Klik, and Sueng Mina use a fast character like taki, Voldo, Maxi and so on. So when they wind up for an attack constantly move to the side and right after they've finished it move in for some powerful combos

GameCube | Submitted by QuidBoy

Special Jump For Taki

When you are taki, on any level with a wall, when your opponents back is against the wall press A + B to jump then hold it to "stall" on the wall for a short time, you can also do a slash attack when you land if you get the timing right.

GameCube | Submitted by QuidBoy


To do different taunts after you select a character and the level is loading just press A, B, Y, or X to say different things.

GameCube | Submitted by SiN

Highest Level

To get the highest level on weapon master u have to get to level 78 on wards the highest i got is the grand edge master of the basilisk. after u reach the platinum edge master it levels up every 10,000 exp points the best place to get the exp is 2 fite the 4 platinum edge masters on the extra chapter

GameCube | Submitted by Al

Bug Boom

Bug booms are sweet. You must be link first and make all your stages 0/10. The buy all weapons except for links weapons. Get spawn by beating weapon master mode with nightmare. (don't lose a life). Then play with spawn and fail the first stage 5 times. Get every characters profile and do links attack number 2 sound 10 times. Beat Inforno at stage 10 1 with bombs only. After their will be a new feature. You unlocked links bug booms. They can't miss and they stay on their enemy until the enemy dies. (They blow up every 5 seconds) Bug out boys

GameCube | Submitted by smpx121212

VERY Valuable Tip

Looking for that weapon that you just can't find? or that piece of clothing that you fell in love with but didn't have enough money for, then got enough and went back only to find that it was GONE!?!?Well, I have an answer to your problem! In weapon master mode, every sub-chapter and chapter ALL have different items in their shops! Everyone's 2nd best weapons are in the chapter after sub-chapter 4! "But how do I get there!?" you ask? well just finish all of the extra missions in Merak (it's one of the chapters)!

Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar


There are three weapons that either cost a helluva lotta cash or you unlock them. This is the list of them that i have gotten.

| Weilder |Joke Weapon | Ultimate |Souledge

|Necrid |Ethreal edge| Chaos |Souledge

|Ivy |Prototype |Kalidascope|Souledge

|Astaroth |???? |Thanatos |Souledge

|Cervantes |???? |Lethe |Souledge

|Nightmare |Galley Oar |Soulcalibur|Souledge

|Maxi |Termitesnack|Vajra |Souledge

|Kilik |Bamboo Staff|Jingu Staff|Souledge

|Sophitia |???? |Orichalcum|Souledge

|Cassandra |???? |Valkyrie |Souledge

|Voldo |???? |Gulliotine|Souledge

|Taki |???? |Kris Naga |Souledge

|Mitsurugi |Souvenier |Damascus |Souledge

|Yunsung |???? |Han Guang |Souledge

|Xianghua |???? |SoulCalibur|Souledge

|Talim |???? |SoulCalibur|Souledge

|Link* |???? |Fairy Sword|Souledge

|Seung Mina|???? |Hraesvelger|Souledge

|Yoshimitsu|???? |Hihiirokane|Souledge

|Raphael |???? |Queens Gard|Souledge

*Link is only in gamecube.

Evry character has souledge, i just included souledge for no reason at all. Joke swords make strange noises on contact, ultimates don't tell about the specs, and souledge is amazing with 1 spec.

Xbox | Submitted by Akira

Soul Calibur & Character Best Weapons

You must play mission mode and get to Cephus(Extra Mission2) there you will be able to purchase The Soul Calibur for certain characters.

NOTE:Other Characters have weapons that arent the soul calibur but are just as good in the shop, and some soul Caliburs(Ex. Nightmare) are better than the Soul Edge weaponry

Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar


In arcade mode after you pick your character and the level is loading press X to taunt

Xbox | Submitted by Nitemare

Special Characters

For each system there is a special character:

Gamecube: Link

Xbox: Spawn

PS2: guy with white hair from tekken

Xbox | Submitted by Gilbert

Nightmares Weapons

This is not really a cheat. But it will help the fans of nightmare. Here is nightmares weapons.



3.Great Blade

4.Steel Paddle






10.Soul Calibur

11.Galley Oar

Xbox | Submitted by Spawn,Edgemaster of Hydra

Fighting Hints

In extra mission 2,try using spawn on the first two stages[ Cor Caroli, Er Rai]. On stage 1,use his Abomination axe and throw all seven of your opponents [the axe takes life away for hits, not throws]. If that doesn't work, use levitating attacks. On Er Rai, use the same axe and mostly use levitation attacks because of the frequent earthquakes. The Abomination axe is the best weapon for Spawn, I believe because, even though it takes life away with every swing, [hit or not]when used correctly, it can take over half of the opponents health in the first strike. It also does not take life away from you when throwing an enemy although it has the same deadly effect on them [a world of extreme pain.]

Xbox | Submitted by SoulCalibur Masta

Cheap Raphael Move

This isn't really a cheat, but it works! Select Raphael whenever you do 1 player mode (or 2-P if you don't care about being cheap against your friends) and when you start playing make sure that the only moves you make are this. Hold the thumb stick in the direction you are facing and press Y rapidly. This move is highly difficult to block, and it will get you through most of weapon master mode.

GameCube | Submitted by akira

Soul Calibur & Character Best Weapons

You must play mission mode and get to Cephus(Extra Mission2) there you will be able to purchase The Soul Calibur for certain characters.

NOTE:Other Characters have weapons that arent the soul calibur but are just as good in the shop, and some soul Caliburs(Ex. Nightmare) are better than the Soul Edge weaponry

GameCube | Submitted by Cheat Masta

Mr. Game And Watch

In Survival Mode, play as Link. Beat at least 15 of the characters by throwing them off of the edge of the stage. After you complete that, it will show clips of the old Game and Watch game and will show Mr. Game and Watch appear from the bottom of the stage with his skillet and bacon.

GameCube | Submitted by mike

Links Move List (And More)

If you read alot all my hints/codes are long but this one i'll try to make short.

Links moves (from the right):

trip and bow stance: diagonally down, towards +Y(hold) (needless to say this trips them if you lucky and you shoot them while there down)

stab charge: back back y+x if you hold it you run and keep stabbing them(hint might want to use soul charge for best results)

elbow then knock down: back+x then a (hint when there down soul charge or don't then try a powerful attack)

non-stop poking: forward+x, then press x rapidly (if you lucky he'll stab them and they fall)

SSBM tornado uppercut (super smash bros. melee): A+up (do it when they get up)

Slice uppercut then bow(this one takes alot of practice): you press up up, or down down really fast then Y and hold and time it right and shoot in front of you when they fall down.(really hard)

Xbox | Submitted by Kevin

Super Easy Gold

For very easy gold all you have to do is play weapon master mode and fight, If you win or lose you still get gold. Cool huh?

Or just go to arcade mode or time attack, etc.

You'll get about 200 gold doing that

GameCube | Submitted by gogt200

Link's Weapons

1.Master Sword

2.Razor Sword

3.Armos Seris

4.Megaton Hammer

5.Cane of Byrna (personal favorite)

6.Mirror Sheild

7.Magic Sword

8.Biggoron's Sword

9.Soul Edge (complete)

10.Great Fairy Sword (Slowly recovers health)

11.Bug Catcher's Net (weird, ain't it)

GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Special Characters

For each system there is a special character:

Gamecube: Link

Xbox: Spawn

PS2: guy with white hair from tekken

GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Easy Win Against Necrid

This hint is very simple. When you are fighting Necrid and you want to beat him fast then you have to follow these steps: first your character has to go to the end of the ring. Second, Necrid might do a quick attack when he does a spinning attack in the air. this attack goes through your character) Since you are at the end of the ring, he will kill himself by getting a ring out.

note: you might want to make him lay down before you do this move because he does this move even if you're a little far away from him.

GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

Demonic And Legendary Weapon Wielding

To get a demonic or a legendary weapon for any character, first unlock the extra chapters Castor and Cephus. Go to Castor and in the shop you will be able to purchase the Soul Edge for any and every character (these are demonic weapons). Go to Cephus for the Legendary weapons. Some characters get the Soul Calibur while others get other just as good weapons (ex.- Nightmare gets Soul Calibur; Raphael gets Queen's Guard).

GameCube | Submitted by yah i got a hint on the site

How To Get Soul Caliber

Beat weapon master once and then play extra mission Phantom Cave. (in chapter 8) You then should unlock Subchapter 4(PROCYON)Take the easiest or shortest way to Lynx Arbor then go down a chapter to the extra chapter 2(CEPHEUS) Here press start and go to shop and it should have all the Soul Calibers.**NOTE: FOR ME IT HAD A LOT OF WEAPONS BUT ONLY TALIM'S SOUL CALIBER WAS THERE I THINK THE OTHER WEAPONS ARE EQUIVALENT TO THEIR SOUL CALIBER (meaning all the characters swords are their but they have different names)**

GameCube | Submitted by C-j

Easier Ring-Outs

Ok this isn't that much of a cheat, but here goes. ok when your playing weapon master, you have to get a ring out in order to win. ok so if you want easier ring outs, (with link) charge your opponent to the edge and do anything to make your opponent fall. once he does right on the c-stick, and link will pull out a bomb, press it again and he'll throw the bomb, and if your close enough, your opponent should fall...

and hers a little tip for an opponent that is aggressive after he falls. press c-stick left, and link will pull out his bow and arrow. that should slow your opponent down, then if your winning and want to waste time...back up and let him charge you, and fire a bow. o yea if he's up-close and aggressive, but u have a little time, use a bomb


PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 2 of chapter 7

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Weapon Unlocks

Talim- Double Crescent Blade Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 3 Raphael- Schweizer Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 4 of Chapter 3

Cervantes-Acheron Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 3

Maxi- Fuzoroi Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 3

Xianghua- Soul Calibur Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 5

Seung M a- Halberd Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 6 of Chapter 6

Nightmare- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Chapter 7

Necrid- Ethereal Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Chapter 8

Seung M a- Ambassador Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 10

Sophitia- Synval Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Chapter 10

Xianghua- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 1 of Subchapter 2

Voldo- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Subchapter 2

Taki- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 2

Cassandra- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 4 of Subchapter 2

Mitsurugi- Souvenir Gift Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 3

Maxi- Termite Snack Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Subchapter 4

Mitsurugi- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Cassandra- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Cervantes- Imitation Sword Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 5 of Subchapter 4

Kilik- Bamboo Staff Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 1

Astaroth- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 1

Nightmare- Galley Oar Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 1

Ivy- Prototype Ivy Blade Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 2

Necrid- Soul Edge Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 2

Sophitia- Memento Use weapon master mode and finish Stage 3 of Extra Chapter 2

PS2 | Submitted by CloudStrife150

Soul Edge(Complete)

To get everybody's Soul Edge (Complete) you have to beat the game once.Then when you have extra missions, you go to subchapter 4.Beat that. Then go to the chapter above that and go to shop. There you can buy everybody's Soul Edge(complete.)Note:This is everybody's best weapon. But you have to pay $7,500 or more to buy one.

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Arcade Version Opening Sequence

Beat extra time attack mode on extreme difficulty 4 times

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Seung Mina

Use Weapon Master mode and get to chapter 6. Beat Seung Mina in the "Palace Icon" area and she will become playable.

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Cervantes

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 3. Beat Cervantes in the last area and he will become playable.

PS2 | Submitted by Akira

Soul Calibur & Character Best Weapons

You must play mission mode and get to Cephus(Extra Mission2) there you will be able to purchase The Soul Calibur for certain characters.

NOTE:Other Characters have weapons that arent the soul calibur but are just as good in the shop, and some soul Caliburs(Ex. Nightmare) are better than the Soul Edge weaponry

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Vs. Mode

Finish extra arcade mode using any character

PS2 | Submitted by superseanman12

How To Unlock Alioth, Subchapter 2

This is the hardest section of weapons master mode to reach. To unlock this area, a players ranking must be in edgemaster range (Level 72 is the first edgemaster rank). After that, the player must overcome chapter 4, stage 3 a second or third time simply to the road to Alioth.

PS2 | Submitted by Eric Austin

Unlock Extra Modes

To unlock extra modes, complete the challenges listed below:

Extra Practice Mode: Beat Stage 1 of Chapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack Mode- Standard: Beat Stage 1 of Chapter 5 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- Standard: Beat Stage 5 of Chapter 6 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack Mode- Alternative: Beat Stage 4 of Chapter 9 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Team Battle Mode: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- Death Match: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Time Attack- Extreme: Beat Stage 1 of Extra Chapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Survival Mode- No Recovery: Beat Stage 2 of Extra Chapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Extra Arcade Mode: Either attempt Arcade Mode 10 times, or beat it once

Extra VS Battle Mode: Either attempt Extra Arcade Mode 5 times, or beat it once

Extra VS Team Battle Mode: Either attempt Extra VS Battle Mode 5 times, or beat it once

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


There are three weapons that either cost a helluva lotta cash or you unlock them. This is the list of them that i have gotten.

| Weilder |Joke Weapon | Ultimate |Souledge

|Necrid |Ethreal edge| Chaos |Souledge

|Ivy |Prototype |Kalidascope|Souledge

|Astaroth |???? |Thanatos |Souledge

|Cervantes |???? |Lethe |Souledge

|Nightmare |Galley Oar |Soulcalibur|Souledge

|Maxi |Termitesnack|Vajra |Souledge

|Kilik |Bamboo Staff|Jingu Staff|Souledge

|Sophitia |???? |Orichalcum|Souledge

|Cassandra |???? |Valkyrie |Souledge

|Voldo |???? |Gulliotine|Souledge

|Taki |???? |Kris Naga |Souledge

|Mitsurugi |Souvenier |Damascus |Souledge

|Yunsung |???? |Han Guang |Souledge

|Xianghua |???? |SoulCalibur|Souledge

|Talim |???? |SoulCalibur|Souledge

|Link* |???? |Fairy Sword|Souledge

|Seung Mina|???? |Hraesvelger|Souledge

|Yoshimitsu|???? |Hihiirokane|Souledge

|Raphael |???? |Queens Gard|Souledge

*Link is only in gamecube.

Evry character has souledge, i just included souledge for no reason at all. Joke swords make strange noises on contact, ultimates don't tell about the specs, and souledge is amazing with 1 spec.

PS2 | Submitted by Gilbert

Nightmares Weapons

This is not really a cheat. But it will help the fans of nightmare. Here is nightmares weapons.



3.Great Blade

4.Steel Paddle






10.Soul Calibur

11.Galley Oar

PS2 | Submitted by Eric Austin

Unlock The Bad Guys

To play the bad guys you must:

Berserker: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 1 in Weapon Master Mode

Lizardman: Beat All Stages of Subchapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Assassin: Beat Stage 2 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Yoshimitsu: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 2 in Weapon Master Mode

Charade: Beat Stage 1 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Cervantes: Beat Stage 4 of Subchapter 3 in Weapon Master Mode

Sophitia: Beat Stage 5 of Subchapter 4 in Weapon Master Mode

Seung Mina: Beat Stage 3 of Subchapter 6 in Weapon Master Mode

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Egyptian Crypt

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 5 of chapter 8

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Money Pit

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 1 of chapter 4

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Labyrinth

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 6 of chapter 6

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Lakeside Coliseum

Use weapon master mode and beat Stage 3 of chapter 1

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Arcade Mode

Finish arcade mode using any character

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Another Survival Mode

Beat survival mode with 10 or more wins

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Character Bios And Demo Theatre

Use any character to finish arcade mode or extra arcade mode

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


In arcade mode after you pick your character and the level is loading press X to taunt

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Get Another Vs. Team Battle Mode

Finish the extra team battle mode

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Another Practice Mode

Finish weapon master mode using any character.

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Sophitia

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 4. Beat Sophitia in the last area and she will become playable.

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Yoshimitsu

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 2. Beat Yoshimitsu in the last area and he will become playable.

PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Play As Charde

Use Weapon Master mode and finish chapter 2. Beat Charde in the first area of chapter and he will become playable. You can only win with a ring out in the match.

Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website. 

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The League of Legends fighting game spin-off won't be getting its big playtest, but that's so that more of you can play it later this year
Retro Gamer
Retro Gamer celebrates Capcom’s greatest fighting games
A screenshot shows Fatal Fury ninja Mai performing a combat move in Street Fighter 6.
Fatal Fury's top anime girlfriend Mai "bounces" into Street Fighter 6, and her bouncy arrival is driving Capcom to horny madness: "She's giving fierce. She's slaying"
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