Stephen Chow signs to co-star and direct Green Hornet

The biggest news this weekend was Kung Fu Hustle’s Stephen Chow signing up to co-star as Kato and – even more excitingly – direct The Green Hornet, which already has Seth Rogen starring and co-writing. And now Kevin Smith (who just worked with Rogen on Zack And Miri Make A Porno) is talking up the film.

Kev has talked to Rogen about his and co-writer Evan Goldberg’s script, and he confirms that they’re not going for parody. “It’s not Superhero Movie. You know, the parody film. It’s certainly not that by any stretch of the imagination,” he told Cinema Blend . “But it’s more along the lines, from what he’s talked about it, of Pineapple Express. There are lots of jokes and there’s lots of action.”

And then there’s Chow. Yes, the man who made Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer has indeed climbed aboard the film, reports Variety . He’ll not only act in it, but he’ll direct it.

Following Bruce

The film sees publisher-turned-hero Britt Reid (Rogen) and his martial arts sidekick Kato (Chow) battling crime. The role of Kato was, of course, most famously played by Bruce Lee in the 1960s TV show.

“The idea of stepping into Bruce Lee’s shoes as Kato is both humbling and thrilling, and to get the chance to direct the project as my American movie debut is simply a dream come true,” Chow says. He, of course, has been Rogen’s top choice ever since he joined the project, so this will be a dream come true for the Pineapple Express star.

Chow will start work on Hornet – which is set to open across the pond on 25th June 2010 – as soon as he finished work on a sequel to Shaolin soccer. These are good times for all fans of Chow. Chowophiles? Chowsers? Chowhounds? We need a better name!

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.