Star Wars Jedi: Survivor release date pops up on Steam, gets swiftly deleted

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
(Image credit: EA)

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's rumored March 2023 release date looks more likely than ever thanks to a newly minted, hastily pulled Steam page update. 

The sequel popped up on Steam earlier today bearing a March 16, 2023 release date, which lines up with previous rumors claiming the game is "still on track" for March despite radio silence from publisher EA. The last official update from the company suggested the sequel could arrive later in 2023, but it seems it might instead be cutting it close with the end of the current financial year. 

However, while the Steam page itself is still live, all of the new information was quickly pulled, presumably after somebody got a very angry phone call or email. Gematsu archived the page in a handy tweet.

This Steam page has technically been around for some time, but SteamDB records confirm it saw several major updates this morning, including the addition of an exact release date over the usual "coming soon" placeholder. Amusingly, this date has now been changed back to "coming soon." Surely nobody saw that, right? 

Other features including Steam achievements, full controller support, and captions were also denoted in the storefront update. The game was updated with full system requirements, and while subject to change (technically, much like the release date), they seem fairly accurate given that this is a new-gen-only release on console. 

Recent social media activity from EA suggested that an official release date reveal is imminent. As it happens, new art (above) resembling EA's new Twitter header was also added to the game's Steam page. 

EA has now confirmed that a new gameplay trailer is definitely coming to The Game Awards, which means we definitely weren't supposed to see this stuff today. Of course, there's no getting the cat back into the bag

Two Star Wars Jedi: Survivor books are coming in spring 2023, and they'd pair nicely with a March 16 release date for the game.  

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.