Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Cheats
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith FAQs
Star Wars: Episode III FAQ
Submitted by Neil Stump -
Revenge of the Sith FAQ
Submitted by Thirtysilver -
Submitted by Ryan Dawson
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Glitches
PS2 | Submitted by starwars1fanFloating Boxes
During the cinematic when the collection arm is collapsing in level 16 or 17 and when Anakin and Obi wan are running on the collection arm, take your focus off them and look to the far right and you'll see a pair of floating boxes.
DS | Submitted by Travis416Slave I
Go to Multiplayer mode and choose any ship for yourself. Than face Boba Fett as the bot. When you or anyone else destroies Slave I it will come up in my case TRAVIS fragged Bobba Fett. Boba Fett comes up with two b's.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Hints
Xbox | Submitted by Dan MathersDooku Health Upgrade
Here is how to get a health upgrade on the third stage of the Dooku battle. When the droids come out, don't pay any attention to Dooku. Instead, wait until one of the droids walks near an opening in the railing. Force throw the droid so he falls. There will be a video of the droid falling. After that, run to the far left and you will see a health upgrade.
PS2 | Submitted by Travis SkeltonHow to Defeat Jedi Easier
An easier way to defeat the Jedi is by using the R1 button and picking them up and then throwing them on the ground and slicing them with your lightsaber. It really helps.
DS | Submitted by GrievousAlways Find Health
Go to skirmish and choose CITY 1 and on one of the purple-ish towers you will see a purple mark near the bottom. Go to where the other power ups are like shield and missles and the one with the purple mark is health.
DS | Submitted by HOBO JOEEasy Mission Completion
On both Anakin`s and Obi-Wans story lines, there is a mission where you must last 2 minutes until the clones come to rescue you. To complete that mission easier jump up and down the screen. The most the body guards or the Jedi will only hit you hit you 4 times at the max.
DS | Submitted by GrievousTerrible Aim
when you get far with Obi-Wan and after you defeat General Grievous you will be able to fly his ship and the guns on the Republic Cruiser thier are guns firing at you. You will never get shot by the guns, no matter how close you get to the you will not get shot.
PS2 | Submitted by ElijahKill Droidekas Easily
In all Droideka Levels
With any Jedi you can kill Droidekas by pressing and holding R1 until their sheild comes off then you can kick their butts.
PS2 | Submitted by PSUK05Boss Tips
Dooku- Keep moving! Force Stun him whenever you can and hack like mad!
Greivous- Block and block again! Keep that block button down and wait for him to stop his attack before you do anything.
Mace Windu- Good luck! I think he's the hardest Jedi to beat- you have to keep throwing him around and dodge his Force waves.
Serra- Use Force powers- particularly Stun followed by Lightning. Don't move away from her- she has powerful long range attacks that you can't block.
Cin Drallig- Force powers again- knock him into walls, use Lightning then go after him!
Xbox | Submitted by Snave TtocsTwisted Jedi Code
On the level The Final Lesson slash the machines with holo Jedi coming out of them and you will hear a twisted version of the Jedi code.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku)
This one is too simple, it tells you how to fight him as a guide to blocking. If the tutorial didn't teach you enough then I will intervene. When the lightsaber is above his head hold Left shoulder and down on the direction pad. If he is charging a force ability, right shoulder. Anything else you just block normally.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Anakin
The anticipated battle you've all been waiting for. Anakin only does 4 attacks, woot! Yeah..but two of them mix so hard to tell. When lightsaber his across chest, block high. Crouching can mean two attacks. His backflip kick or low slash. Block high when he crouches then just a tad bit later switch to down and you will block it. Otherwise if he crouches and you block low, he'll kick which is a high attack and takes 3/4 of your max health painful eh? Other than those 3, he uses forces which you just take in by right shoulder. After you beat him down long enough you'll get to a moving platform, make sure you block the low correctly, otherwise he does two of those kicks, watch out! OOPS! I forgot to mention, that only applies to stage one, you thought it was that easy? HAHAHAH, anyway, He took up 4 new moves along with his old ones. Sidekick, throw lightsaber, impale, and uppercut. All of these you just block upper, but now he is trickier with the low attacks. Other than that, he's a simp for a pro.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Obi-wan
This guy is harder than Anakin to fight. So many moves. When his lightsaber is going into the ground block down. When he crouches block high, he will break it and go into air, so block high again. He will pull his lightsaber back for a few seconds so block high before he gets you. When lightsaber is at waist high block low for two attacks of his. On second platform he gains new force abilities and will do a spinning attack, for this attack he pulls back so block high the whole time. He has a double uppercut attack, but you need to block low for these. Lightsaber will go about leg height so be cautious, hard to tell the different between the spinning and this. Expect to lose at least one life against this guy.
Xbox | Submitted by Jesse HowardAlternate Ending
After you have beaten the whole game, go back to story mode and play the last mission, #17, Revenge of the Sith. You will play ask Anakin and not Obi-Wan. Defeat Obi-Wan and watch the other ending!
Xbox | Submitted by PSUK05Boss Tips
Dooku- Keep moving! Force Stun him whenever you can and hack like mad!
Greivous- Block and block again! Keep that block button down and wait for him to stop his attack before you do anything.
Mace Windu- Good luck! I think he's the hardest Jedi to beat- you have to keep throwing him around and dodge his Force waves.
Serra- Use Force powers- particularly Stun followed by Lightning. Don't move away from her- she has powerful long range attacks that you can't block.
Cin Drallig- Force powers again- knock him into walls, use Lightning then go after him!
Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFind Secrets
When your character is near a secret, they will say something like, "The force is telling me something", as a general hint that you are in the item's location. Don't forget that many items are located under or behind barrels or other destructable scenery.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Cin Drallig
You first face his Padawan, who does nothing but high attacks and force. Simple, except that Drallig heals him once in a while. Then you face Drallig. His lightsaber goes low, you block high. His force instead of his hand is his head, so be careful. When he actually glows, block high then block low for his uppercut downcut combo. He will do a jumping uppercut, block high *yawn* I know what your thinking, too easy, Mace Windu should be here instead of Drallig, but no! His lightsaber for one last attack will go high so block low, and finish him.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Mace Windu
This punk is hard for only a second boss. Most of his attacks are high blocks, but he changes in his attacks. He will uppercut so block high then downcut so block low. He also spirals into the air block high, this breaks your block so block high again before he comes down on you. Windu will pull his fists back and block high, this is a continuous so be patient and block high until he is done, this too breaks block. He has one last attack, his saber fury. Block high to start with and move to low just by pushing down. If he does this a second time to make a row, keep blocking low then finish high.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel Bodyguard
I beat this in less than a minute....too easy, but for all of you. There are two that you kill, they take turns. They regenerate whenever they are not fighting, so make haste. Whenever they leave the screen and start to ski to you, block high, other than that, their body indicates where to block. All body and upper body mean block high, don't stop blocking until they are done, then smack 'em. Lower body, blah blah blah you get the picture right? Block low and beat them down like a true Jedi.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarDuel General Grievous
If both lightsabers are behind his back, you best start high blocking (Left shoulder + up arrow) as he will spin the lightsabers frequently and will break your block. Hit him now. When Grievous jumps in the air, high block, and he will back handspring backwards. Don't get near him. If the lightsabers are about shoulder height, he will hit 3 times, high block them, then quickly low block, hit him. When he glows and lightsabers high, block and get ready, this down slash WILL in fact kill you. I will warn you now, there is a time after you get the message that he will attack high, attack low, and repeat about 4 times, just keep high and low blocking until he stops, don't attempt to hit him. There is one last final attack, one slash, breaks your block, block again quicky before he hits.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Cheats
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Movie Clips Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Duelists Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Bonus Missions Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarFast Regen of Force & Health
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarSuper Sabre Mode
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Concept Art Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarStory Missions Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarTiny Droid Mode
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Jedi Powers and Force Moves
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Duel Arenas Unlocked
Enter at the options screen.
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock Concept Art
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock All Bonus Missions
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiTrue Jedi - All Moves & Force Powers
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiInfinite Force Power
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock All FMVs
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock All Single-player Missions
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock All Duel Characters
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiUnlock All Duel Arenas
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiIncreased Regeneration
Xbox | Submitted by super8 samuraiInfinite Life
PS2 | Submitted by Randy RossiMore codes
These codes are not confirmed by LucasArts, but were submitted by CheatPlanet users and may not work on all versions of the game:
021282 - Welcome David Byttow. Your settings have been loaded.
071779 - You have unlocked tiny droid mode.
SUPERSABERS - You have unlocked super sabers mode.
NATHAN G - Welcome Nathan Hunt. All menu text turns red.
DARTH VADER- Red lightsaber
BIG SABER- Double lightsaber
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Force
Enter at the options screen.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all FMVs
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all duel arenas
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all duel characters
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all concept art
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarIncreased Regeneration
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTrue Jedi - all moves & Force powers unlocked
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarInfinite Force Power
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarMore codes
These codes are not confirmed by LucasArts, but were submitted by CheatPlanet users:
021282 - Welcome David Byttow. Your settings have been loaded.
071779 - You have unlocked tiny droid mode.
SUPERSABERS - You have unlocked super sabers mode.
NATHAN G - Welcome Nathan Hunt. All menu text turns red.
DARTH VADER- Red lightsaber
BIG SABER- Double lightsaber
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all bonus missions
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarInfinite Life
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock all single-player missions
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Health
Enter at the options screen.
GBA | Submitted by Bianne WilliamsInfinite Health and Force
At title menu hold R+L and press B, A, B, B, A,B in that particular order and you should recieve Infinite Health and Force.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Easter Eggs
PS2 | Submitted by Jesse HowardAlternate Ending
After you have beaten the whole game, go back to story mode and play the last mission, #17, Revenge of the Sith. You will play ask Anakin and not Obi-Wan. Defeat Obi-Wan and watch the other ending!
PS2 | Submitted by Snave TtocsTwisted Jedi Code
On the level The Final Lesson slash the machines with holo Jedi coming out of them and you will hear a twisted version of the Jedi code.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Unlockables
PS2 | Submitted by Mathew UribeCharacter Unlocks for VS mode in multipl
To unlock Darth Vader
Finish the game and the bonus stage Star Wars episode 4. He will be unlocked for multiplayer.
To Unlock Ben Kenobi
Finish the game and the bounus stage Star Wars episode 4. He will be unlocked for multiplayer.
To unlock Mace Windu
Beat Mace in story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
To Unlock Count Dooku
Beat Count Dooku in Story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
To unlock Serra and Cid
Beat them both in Story mode and they will be unlocked for multiplayer.
To unlock General Grievous
Beat General Grievous in Story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
DS | Submitted by Blind MessiahUnlock the Ships
Hey fellow gamers! i Just finished unlocking all the ships in Star Wars III. Here's how:
Go to Skirmish Mode. Leave the default settings for the match (10 minutes 5 frags yes respawn). Pick your vehicle. I recommend the clone fighter, but whatever floats your boat. When you pick your opponent, go to select bot and press left or right until the name of a famous Star Wars pilot appears. Beat them to unlock their ships.
Han Solo- The Millenium Falcon (wicked strong shields)
Darth Vader- TIE Advanced (Total POS but makes a cool sound)
Boba Fett- Slave I (no shields? WTF?)
Anakin Skywalker- Annie's Fighter (Young anakin's custom fighter from the Cartoon Network series
General Grievous- Grievous Fighter (my favorite, excellent homing missiles and upgraded lasers)
Luke Skywalker- X-Wing (All-around great ship)
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo unlock Mace Windu
Beat Mace in story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo Unlock Count Dooku
Beat Count Dooku in Story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo unlock General Grievous
Beat General Grievous in Story mode and he will be unlocked for multiplayer.
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo Unlock Ben Kenobi
Finish the game and the bounus stage Star Wars episode 4. He will be unlocked for multiplayer.
GBA | Submitted by JeffDuel Arenas and Bonus Missions
Complete the listed Missions to unlock the listed Duel Arenas or Bonus Missions:
Throne Room Main Chamber- Complete mission 04: "Settling the Score"
Throne Room Upper Balcony- Complete mission 04: "Settling the Score"
Bonus Mission: "The General's Protectors" Complete mission 08: "The Cavalry Arrives"
Utapau Sinkhole Control Room Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"
Utapau Sinkhole Landing Platform Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"
Bonus Mission: "Grievous on the Run"
Complete mission 09: "Showdown with Grievous"
Palpatine's Office Complete mission 10: "The Dark Side of the Force"
Palpatine's Office Docking Bay Complete mission 10: "The Dark Side of the Force"
Temple Control Room- Complete mission 12: "The Final Lesson"
Temple Outer Terrace- Complete mission 12: "The Final Lesson"
Bonus Mission: "Mustafar Lava Challenge" Complete mission 14: "Assassination on Mustafar"
Bonus Mission: "Size Matters Not" Complete mission 15: "Aftermath in the Temple"
Mustafar Control Room Complete mission 16: "A friendship in Flames"
Mustafar Balcony- Complete mission 16: "A friendship in Flames"
Mustafar Control Arm- Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"
Mustafar Lava Platform- Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"
Episode IV Death Star- Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"
Bonus Mission: "Episode IV Death Star" Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Serra Keto for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 12
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Mace Windu for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 10
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo unlock Serra and Cid
Beat them both in Story mode and they will be unlocked for multiplayer.
Xbox | Submitted by Mathew UribeTo unlock Darth Vader
Finish the game and the bonus stage Star Wars episode 4. He will be unlocked for multiplayer.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock General Grievous for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 9
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Obi-Wan Kenobi for Multiplayer
Complete mission 17: "Revenge of the Sith"
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Count Dooku for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 4
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Cin Drallig for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 12
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Darth Vader for Multiplayer
Complete Mission 17
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