Star Wars fan points out a major problem with Ahsoka's big Marrok theory

(Image credit: Lucasfilm)

If you're an Ahsoka fan, you'll likely have your theories about the show's mysterious Inquisitor Marrok. Not only is the lightsaber-wielding masked character a formidable foe for Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren, but we have very little idea about who they actually are.

A major theory that has been circulating is that he may be a character called Starkiller from the non-canon Force Unleashed games. There are a couple of bits of evidence pointing to it, from the similarities in name (Starkiller's real name is Galen Marek) and a clue on a familiar voice being credited (Sam Witwer voiced the character in the games). 

However, even though some signs are pointing that way, one fan pointed out some big issues with this potential twist in a lengthy Reddit post. User ItsJustCasey wrote: "I feel like people who hope and want Marrok to be Starkiller don't really know who Starkiller was."

The crux of their argument is that it probably wouldn't make sense for Darth Vader's secret apprentice, which is what Starkiller was, to be working as a former Inquisitor for Morgan Elsbeth. "Making him an Inquisitor would just honestly be lame considering how limited their training was during the Empire," they continued. "And I seriously doubt Vader would've put his 'secret apprentice' among other Inquisitors just like that. Literally, the only way I see him being a Starkiller is if he was just an underpowered clone of the original Starkiller, but that would just be kinda lame honestly, and only would be done out of pure fan service."

That's not the only concern the Redditor has either, adding that if Starkiller was introduced, they'd hope it would be showing his full power. "I love Starkiller as much as any other Force Unleashed fan, but introducing him like this would be just lame," they continued. "Nobody really wants an underpowered Starkiller, him being OP af was one of the highlights of his character."

Other viewers agreed, as one shared their thoughts on what would make a satisfying twist. "If Marrok is going to be unmasked and revealed to be a known character, it needs to be a character that’s known not just to the audience, but also to Ahsoka, Sabine, etc.," they argued. "There needs to be some connection to the plot and characters from the show; it shouldn't be a random reveal from elsewhere in the lore."

We've still got plenty of episodes left in season one so it will be intriguing to see how this twist is unraveled. For more on Ahsoka, we've got everything you need to know in our handy guides below:

Fay Watson
Deputy Entertainment Editor

I’m the Deputy Entertainment Editor here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for the Total Film and SFX sections online. I previously worked as a Senior Showbiz Reporter and SEO TV reporter at Express Online for three years. I've also written for The Resident magazines and Amateur Photographer, before specializing in entertainment.