Spore’s rudest creatures

Title: suckselfsaurus
Author: cmb177

Above: According to the author, the suckselfsaurus’ main goal in life is to pleasure itself. Fascinating

Title: dongpunch
Author: missilekind

Title: Ode to Father and Baby
Author: Eleonora

Above: An artistic representation of a father and his beloved son or some creepy pedophile feeling his kid up?

Title: oneeyedtrousersnake
Author: REDNUT

Title: Erectile Distfunction
Author: DetroitMafia

Title: Phallic
Author: PatchWork425

Title: Deamomilklove
Author: RaoulDuke1972

Title:The Self-Mugger
Author: masochistmonkey

Above: The Self-Mugger looks like an innocent – yet freaky – creature until you check out its backside

Title: LoveGuru
Author: BrownToad

Title: rudette
Author: M34TY

Got any Sporn of your own? We’ll give your creatures sanctuary at GamesRadar. Drop us a line at [email protected] with screenshots of your rude creatures and we’ll give them a permanent place to live.

Jul 10, 2008
