Sponsored: Hitman: Sniper Challenge competition week two winners

Spent your second week busting skulls for points and prizes? Want to know whether you've snagged yourself any swag for your skills on this round? Time to find out.

Interesting turn-up this week, as last week's top-placed snipers have nailed the top spots again by smashing their previous scores. 'Mackdadi' now has 5861130 on the PS3, while 'MattYates91' continues to hold the top of the 360 leaderboard with 5035599. That in mind, this week's first-place prizes are going to the second-place snipers on each format, who - as for every weekly winner - get a chibi Agent 47 figurine. Don't forget though, the 47th-placed snipers each get a prize too, so in total this week's winners are:

PlayStation 3

2nd place: 'Hitman_1983'

47th place: 'Karlosswan'

Xbox 360

2nd place: 'Dazo420'

47th place: 'StealthyBehind'

Want to be in with a chance of adding your name to these most esteemed ranks in the coming weeks? Feel like you have the skills to take down our twice-in-a-row top-scorers? Well get involved. The challenge is running until October, with weekly winners as well as bigger prizes for monthly winners (which our double table-toppers might already be in the running for, so get after them). For the details head here and here, but remember...

For your score to be eligible, you MUST register your Gamertag/PSN ID at www.hitmansniper.com and you MUST “link your account” at hitmansniper.com/leaderboards

How do I get involved?

Above: First up, check out this Hitman: Sniper Challenge guide video. Then...

All you need to do is pre-order Hitman Absolution (you can do this here) where you'll receive a code. You must then visit www.hitmansniper.com where you can enter that code in order to receive the redeem code to download Hitman Sniper Challenge from Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Network. PC owners will be able to download Hitman Sniper Challenge from August 1, so our league table for PC opens next month - you'll just have to have the patience of Agent 47 and wait patiently for your moment!

Remember, for your score to count, you MUST register your Gamertag/PSN ID at www.hitmansniper.com and you MUST “link your account” at hitmansniper.com/leaderboards in order to be eligible! Please note, you must also be over 18 and a resident of the UK.

Once you've signed up... get sniping! Simple as that. Keep checking GamesRadar.com to find out who wins at the end of July, as well as the winner of our weekly challenge. Best of luck.

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