SPONSORED: Did you Unlock the Animus?

Well the cat's out of the bag now and thousands of you have been flocking to the Unlock the Animus site to try your Assassin's skills at unpicking the mysterious secrets contained therein.

Ubi warned you it wouldn't be easy and as our one of their commentators Kroll_GB poignantly noted: "On reflection, I doubt even Chuck Norris, Sherpa Tensing and Captain Price working as a team would be able to to that until 80% degradation..."

But Ubisoft promise this is just a gentle opener to warm you up and over the next few weeks they'll be taxing your grey matter even further with more fiendish assassin's conundrums. But don't forget there's still time to conquer strand one and it's a marathon not a sprint after all - though there will a fresh puzzle appearing on Tuesday.

But know, oh heir of Altair, if you are victorious in the final Unlock the Animus challenge, you will receive a fantastic trip to Istanbul for yourself and a friend, including flights, four nights of hotel accommodation and £500 spending money and a chance to tour the beautiful and historic Constantinople of the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman periods.

We've also got a bunch of exclusives for Assassin's fans on the site including today's brand new History of Assassin's Creed, plus part one of our recent interview with the Assassin's Creed: Revelations team.

But head on over to Unlock the Animus right now for full details, competition rules and to register for your attempt. Do let us know how you've got on in the comments field below.

October 07, 2011

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