Spider-Man: No Way Home: every new scene in the More Fun Stuff version

Spider-Man: No Way Home
(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

Spider-Man: No Way Home has been re-released – with plenty of new, never-before-seen scenes that are well worth a return trip to the cinema.

The ‘More Fun Stuff’ edition comes packed with 11 minutes of deleted scenes, including some extended counsel with a really good lawyer, more Tom Holland stunts, plus bonus material with Peters 2 and 3.

Whether you’ve already seen it or are on the fence about double dipping on No Way Home – we’ve put together a quick guide to all the new Spider-Man: No Way Home scenes in the extended re-release. We’ll keep spoilers to a minimum, though, because there’s plenty of fun – the clue’s in the name – in experiencing these with fresh eyes for the first time.

A new intro

Spider-Man: No Way Home

(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

The More Fun Stuff edition comes frontloaded with a new intro, with Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, and Andrew Garfield welcoming everyone. They thank the fans for the "continued love and support" before Peter 1 and 2 (that's Holland and Maguire, in case you had forgotten) have an announcement for Peter 3: they love him too. You almost had us there. We half expected an Amazing Spider-Man 3 reveal.

Spider-Man catches a thief

As the famous 1960s Spider-Man theme goes, the webhead catches thieves just like flies. One of the first deleted scenes in No Way Home’s re-release involves Spider-Man stopping a criminal, played by Tom Holland’s brother Harry Holland. Unfortunately for the webhead, this generates some backlash from New Yorkers, who question whether the vigilante is too young to be making those sorts of decisions, despite one NYC bystander pointing out he's been to space. He even gets some green paint thrown over him by an onlooker, who shouts "Mysterio forever." Poor Pete.

Undercroft montage

Spider-Man: No Way Home plays the mash... the monster mash. The 1962 hit by Bobby Pickett plays during a montage showing Ned and MJ preparing to round up the villains in the Sanctum Sanctorum. They even chance across a bizarre mini-Sanctum with its own mini-Strange silhouette. 

Gym class at Midtown

Spider-Man: No Way Home

(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

This was a scene originally listed on the bonus features for the home release. Then titled "Peter’s Day at Midtown High", it’s by far the longest scene previously left on the cutting room floor.

Clocking in at around five minutes, gym teacher Mr. Wilson is seen goading Peter to climb up the walls to show off his skills to the students. Betty Brant also interviews a handful of faculty and students for her news show, including Mr. Harrington, who seems troubled by his ex-wife's browsing habits. Flash – woefully underused in the original film – is also spoken to about his book; Ned gets an awkward exchange with his ex Betty, and Peter gets a truly bizarre interview about thanking the spider that bit him.

A new Daily Bugle scene

Spider-Man and MJ in No Way Home

(Image credit: Marvel/Sony)

The Spider-Menace loses the court of public opinion, largely thanks to J. Jonah Jameson's ravings on his news show. More Fun Stuff has another Daily Bugle blast, this time including a phone caller from the electric company who witnessed the fight between Spider-Man and Electro. Unfortunately for Triple-J, things go south the caller starts talking about a "dirt man" and a monster made of electricity. Jameson then starts to discredit the caller before cutting it short.

An awkward elevator ride

Spider-Man: No Way Home

(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

Chances are, you’ve already seen this as it was released to the public prior to release. If not, you watch watch it on the Sony YouTube channel. It’s a minor addition, with Electro (Jamie Foxx), Doc Ock (Alfred Molina), Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe), Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) and Peter (Tom Holland) taking a very awkward trip up in an elevator to Happy’s apartment building.

Damage Control and Daredevil

Charlie Cox in Daredevil

(Image credit: Netflix)

Matt Murdock’s brief scene in No Way Home hinted that Happy (Jon Favreau) could be in slightly more trouble than was originally thought. That’s picked up later in More Fun Stuff, with Agent Cleary – last seen in Ms. Marvel, MCU fans – leading a hearing.

Happy, who is defended by Charlie Cox’s Murdock, looks worse for wear when he checks his apartment’s camera feed on his phone. On it, multiple Spidey villains are shown walking into his building. Murdock tells Happy to stop sweating. Happy wonders how he could possibly know he’s sweating despite being blind…

Damage Control have an extended presence earlier in the film too, carrying out further interrogations of May, Ned, and Peter. The latter even has to explain why he doesn't have a vendetta against national landmarks.

An extended Peter 2 and Peter 3 scene

Spider-Man: No Way Home

(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

This is almost worth the price of admission alone. This is an extended scene with the three Spideys on the Statue of Liberty before their final battle. Before, Tom Holland's Peter mentioned he was an Avenger which, no, was not some kind of band. Here, their banter is extended to include an extended history of which villains they've fought, how organic web shooters work, and just general riffing. You can tell how much fun each of them are having too, which is cute.

A darker post-credits scene

Spider-Man: No Way Home

(Image credit: Sony Pictures/Marvel)

The new post-credits scene in the More Fun Stuff extended cut shows Betty Brant hosting a segment of "Betty's Corner" on Midtown News. This time, she’s in a more celebratory mood and shows pictures of the students’ time at Midtown High, including their Far From Home trip to Europe. Liz from Spider-Man: Homecoming is also feature.

Peter, however, is absent from all the photos, barring one that obscures his face. It seems that Doctor Strange’s spell has not only made everyone forget who Peter Parker is – but has also removed him from all photos and other media.

Discover more of the film's secrets with our guide to Spider-Man: No Way Home Easter eggs. Plus, see what else is coming to the MCU across the next few years with a look at upcoming Marvel movies.

Bradley Russell

I'm the Senior Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, focusing on news, features, and interviews with some of the biggest names in film and TV. On-site, you'll find me marveling at Marvel and providing analysis and room temperature takes on the newest films, Star Wars and, of course, anime. Outside of GR, I love getting lost in a good 100-hour JRPG, Warzone, and kicking back on the (virtual) field with Football Manager. My work has also been featured in OPM, FourFourTwo, and Game Revolution.