Spider-Man 3: The Game - first look

The end of the demo finally showed off Spidey's black costume. When you get your hands on the symbiotic outfit, you'll have access to yet another new list of moves, plus a "rage meter" that builds up over time. Rage mode, obviously, lets you run around beat the crap out of everyone, web up multiple crooks together and generally just rage in everyone's face. In case you weren't aware, the black costume ends up bringing the worst out in Peter. Check the movie for the full story (we could go into the whole Secret Wars thing, but we'll leave it be).

The end of the demo finally showed off Spidey's black costume. When you get your hands on the symbiotic outfit, you'll have access to yet another new list of moves, plus a "rage meter" that builds up over time. Rage mode, obviously, lets you run around beat the crap out of everyone, web up multiple crooks together and generally just rage in everyone's face. In case you weren't aware, the black costume ends up bringing the worst out in Peter. Check the movie for the full story (we could go into the whole Secret Wars thing, but we'll leave it be).

Spider-Man 3: The Game looks to offer everything the 2004 movie game did with slightly improved visuals. You'll get a newer, cleaner version of the city (plus 20 miles of subways and sewers!), new moves, new abilities and new gangs to put in their place. Overall, that newness sounds pretty old to us. But even with all the familiar setups, it's hard to rag on a game that lets you pile drive someone off the Empire State Building. Just swinging through the city will be fun, so there's definitely some interesting stuff here.

We're more concerned with how it'll fare against Crackdown, the 360's other super-powered city-stomping game. The agents have a hell of a game on their side, so it'll take more than a new coat of paint to make us ga-ga over Spidey again. Look for more as the game's May release date draws closer.

Spider-Man 3: The Game looks to offer everything the 2004 movie game did with slightly improved visuals. You'll get a newer, cleaner version of the city (plus 20 miles of subways and sewers!), new moves, new abilities and new gangs to put in their place. Overall, that newness sounds pretty old to us. But even with all the familiar setups, it's hard to rag on a game that lets you pile drive someone off the Empire State Building. Just swinging through the city will be fun, so there's definitely some interesting stuff here.

We're more concerned with how it'll fare against Crackdown, the 360's other super-powered city-stomping game. The agents have a hell of a game on their side, so it'll take more than a new coat of paint to make us ga-ga over Spidey again. Look for more as the game's May release date draws closer.

Brett Elston

A fomer Executive Editor at GamesRadar, Brett also contributed content to many other Future gaming publications including Nintendo Power, PC Gamer and Official Xbox Magazine. Brett has worked at Capcom in several senior roles, is an experienced podcaster, and now works as a Senior Manager of Content Communications at PlayStation SIE.