Updated: Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, and dozens of studios share support for Black Lives Matter

(Image credit: Sony, 343 Industries, Warner Bros, Bethesda, Xbox, Naughty Dog)

Multiple gaming companies have released statements supporting both the Black Lives Matter movement and Black communities amidst ongoing protests in the United States sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last week. 

Sony and Microsoft both shared Twitter messages of their own, which were echoed by their partner studios. Sony posted its message shortly before announcing a delay for the June 4 PS5 games event, explaining that "we want to stand back and allow more important voices to be heard." 

Here's its message in full: 

Sucker Punch and Guerilla Games both shared Sony's message, while Naughty Dog published its own message, which expresses similar sentiments. Here's the studio's post: 

Insomniac also shared its own message:  

On the Xbox side of things, the company's main account shared and added to the statement issued by Microsoft. "Xbox stands together with our fans, creators, colleagues, friends, and the entire African American & Black Community against systemic racism and injustice," it adds. "We are proud to join with Microsoft in amplifying Black and African American voices." 

The same message was shared by 343 Industries, Rare, and the developers of Forza Motorsport.

Similar sentiments were shared by EA via the Madden NFL account, who also announced they would be donating $1million to Black Lives Matter, Activision Blizzard, and Warner Bros. Monolith, the makers of the WB-published Middle-Earth series, retweeted the publisher's message as well. Bethesda also posted its own statement, which you can read below: 

Update - June 3: Yet more games companies have come forward with statements of support for Black Lives Matter, including Nintendo. All three major platform holders have now publicly supported the movement. Here's its statement in full: 

Ubisoft also shared a message of solidarity with Black employees and communities alongside a $100,000 donation to the NAACP and the Black Lives Matter movement.  

Likewise, Riot Games pledged to donate to multiple organizations in the fight for criminal justice reform, support for Black-owned businesses, and solutions to racial bias. The company will also match up to $1,000 in donations from Riot employees. 

Other studios, like Bungie, have focused on sharing helpful resources alongside messages of support. The studio encouraged its audience to seek opportunities and information via several organizations, including Black Lives Matter, the Anti-Racism Center, Showing Up For Racial Justice, and others. 

Capcom, meanwhile, opted to postpone the Capcom Pro Tour Online and quiet its social media channels to make room for "more important voices that deserve to be heard right now."

In a similar vein, Infinity Ward has delayed the launch of Call of Duty: Warzone Season 4, as well as the new seasons of Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Mobile, stating that "now is not the time." 

And as CD Projekt Red announced via the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account, its Night City Wire event has been pushed to June 25, as there are "more important discussions happening right now and we want them to be heard."

LEGO is donating to the cause as well, pledging $4 million "to organizations dedicated to supporting Black children and educating all children about racial equality." 

We'll update this story as more companies and studios share their sentiments, so stay tuned for more information. 

Update - June 4: Several other studios and publishers have added their voices to the Black Lives Matter movement, and some have confirmed supportive donations as well. Double Fine, in particular, released an impassioned statement alongside $12,000 in donations sent to Black Lives Matter, the NAACP legal defense fund, and Color of Change.

"This is a critical moment," the studio says. "There can be no justice for Black people in America, or justice for any minorities, without the immediate demilitarization of police forces throughout the country. It is not enough to simply know this. Something must be done - not tomorrow, but now." 

You can read the full statement below: 

Sega also voiced solidarity with Black communities, and promised that it "will be making donations to worthy causes that align with this statement", alongside matching it's employees donations. 

Meanwhile, Bandai Namco said that it stands "in solidarity with our Black employees, our Black players, and the Black community." Similarly, Deep Silver said it will "stand by those in our teams who are in pain right now and continue to listen and learn from their experiences."  

Update - June 5: As Games Industry reports, over a dozen other studios and companies have not only shared support for the Black Lives Matter movement, but also donated directly to the cause. This includes broader organizations like Humble Bundle, which is preparing a $1 million fund for "helping publish games by Black developers"; the EVO fighting game tournament, which sent $7,500 to the NAACP and Minneapolis' Lake Street; and the Games Done Quick speedrun tournament, which also sent $2,500 to Lake Street and is planning to donate "all of its Twitch subscription and bits revenue for the month of June to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund." Itch is also offering a game bundle supporting Black Lives Matter.

On the heels of support from Nintendo, the Pokemon Company has also added its voice to the cause and is donating $100,000 to the NAACP and another $100,000 to Black Lives Matter itself. Likewise, Pokemon Go creator Niantic has pledged to donate the proceeds from the Pokemon Go 2020 Fest ticket tales, "committing a minimum of $5 million." Half of this will go toward "new projects from Black gaming and AR creators that can live on the Niantic platform," while the other half will go to "US nonprofit organizations that are helping local communities rebuild. Niantic is also donating $100,000 to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute (which advocates for Black trans people) and matching employee donations up to $50,000. You can find more details on the studio's myriad plans in its full statement below:  

We've also seen support from a spread of indie and triple-A publishers and developers. Chucklefish offered free information sessions for Black game developers and said it's "also donating to organisations fighting against racial oppression, and to those who nurture and support Black talent." Devolver Digital donated $65,000 in support of Black Lives Matter, Untitled Goose Game creator House House donated $10,000 to a mix of community and bail funds,and Journey creator donated $20,000 to Black Lives Matter and the NAACP. 

Runescape developer Jagex pledged £60,000 to the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust and is matching employee donations to organizations fighting racial prejudice. Surgeon Simulator creator Bossa Studios will donate $100 per employee and match employee donations to Black Lives Matter. The Long Dark developer Hinterland Games donated to Black Lives Matter and the Minnesota Freedom Fund, and both Supercell and Little Orbit committed to supporting Black Lives Matter and the NAACP.  

The Outer Worlds developer Obsidian Games donated $25,000 to the NAACP as well, and we've seen other shows of support from big studios like Paradox Interactive, which delayed its Paradox Insider show - part of the now-delayed Guerilla Collective - because "there are more important voices to hear right now, and we'd prefer to keep the focus on them."  Similarly, Rockstar Games recently shut down GTA Online and Red Dead Online in a moment of silence for George Floyd.  

We'll update this story as more companies and studios share their sentiments, so stay tuned for more information. 

Elsewhere in entertainment, Marvel and DC have both expressed support for and solidarity with the black community. 

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his journalism degree, and he's been with 12DOVE since 2019. They've yet to realize that his position as a senior writer is just a cover up for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the ruse going with a focus on news and the occasional feature, all while playing as many roguelikes as possible.