Sonic delays Smash Bros. Wii

Oct 10, 2007

In a double strike Nintendo has granted the wishes of fanboys worldwide, and then stirred up a little disappointment as well.

After all the hoping and crying, Sonic is officially in Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

Look at him running around in theofficial character trailer- and it's not the rubbish next-gen Sonic either; he's awash with plenty of old school sound effects an animations. We officially cannot wait for this game.

TheUS sitenow lists the release date as "TBD." Did they announce Sonic just to cover that up? It's pushed to 2008 for Japan, but what about the US?

Deep breaths though, as Nintendo promises online co-op for the next game, though we're not quite sure in what form it'll appear. Cheer yourself up with the Sonic screens in theImagestab.

Courtesy of CVG.