Sniper Elite 3 playing cards and longshot locations guide

Mission 8: Ratte Factory 

Playing Cards: 5 

Playing Cards 1: As soon as you reach the first green beam stretching out to the right, cross it and head down the stairs at the far side. Make a left when you hit the ground and the cards will be in the corner there.

Playing Cards 2: Cross over to the west side from the previous set of cards using the green bridge and go to the right. Along the wall near the set of stairs there will be this next set.

Playing Cards 3: As you head towards the southern part of the factory, use the upper catwalk near the large open doors and this card set will be there in the middle of the walkway.

Playing Cards 4: After you take the cargo elevator down and enter the room with the huge tank, go up the stairs on the right, on either side of the large smelting pot and go all the way to the top. On the left side of the top platform will be the cards.

Playing Cards 5: When you reach the southwestern pillar that you need to place the charge on, go to the low catwalk immediately to the west of it and the cards will be on there.

Long shot: 

Long Shot: When you reach the first barrel to destroy the transformer, go to the left and there will be the sniper nest behind the boards.

Crawl through to the perch and then look forward and up to see the lone soldier there on the edge of the cliff.

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Jeff McAllister is a freelance journalist who has contributed to 12DOVE over the years. You'll typically find his byline associated with deep-dive guides that are designed to help you scoop up collectibles and find hidden treasures in some of the biggest action and RPG games out there. Be sure to give Jeff a thanks in the comments while you're completing all of those tricky Achievements and Trophies.