Sniper Elite review

Win the war lying down

12DOVE Verdict


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    World's first snipe 'em up

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    Headshot surprise

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    Using bullets as bomb fuse


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    Slower than your average run n' gun

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    Environments lack visual flair

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    The game's feeling of emptiness

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Sniping - and we’re sure lots of you will agree with this - is one of the best activities in modern videogames. A supreme mix of satisfaction, skill and cowardice, you’re made to feel like a ninja, but a ninja armed like a small tank. A fair few of you out there probably have PhDs in headshots too. So, what about an entire game dedicated to this most simultaneously tense, irritating and exhilarating of Deathmatch specialities?

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DescriptionFor soldiers who are apprehensive about entering into flanky fracases, this duck-and-cover shooter has you in its sights.
US censor rating"Mature","Mature","Mature"
UK censor rating"","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)