Sneak Peek: GamesRadar's New Game Releases Super Show

Normally, we wouldn't write an article to tell you about a weekly feature we're going to start doing--least of all one about new releases--but this time it's a little different. We're not just going to list the new releases and let you know what console you can get the games on or anything simple like that. Each week, yes, we'll let you know what games are coming out. However, with the New Game Releases Super Show, we'll do it in style. Well, maybe not "style," but... just take a look.

Here's the pilot episode of our newest weekly video series launching later this month: New Game Releases Super Show.

Well, what do you think? Like we said this is a pilot, so the version launching later this month will be more polished and have a few different bells and whistles. Let us know in the comments below!

12DOVE was first founded in 1999, and since then has been dedicated to delivering video game-related news, reviews, previews, features, and more. Since late 2014, the website has been the online home of Total Film, SFX, Edge, and PLAY magazines, with comics site Newsarama joining the fold in 2020. Our aim as the global GamesRadar Staff team is to take you closer to the games, movies, TV shows, and comics that you love. We want to upgrade your downtime, and help you make the most of your time, money, and skills. We always aim to entertain, inform, and inspire through our mix of content - which includes news, reviews, features, tips, buying guides, and videos.