Skate 4 playtests are reportedly due to take place next month

Skate 4 promo image
(Image credit: EA)

EA has reportedly begun sending out Skate 4 playtesting emails, perhaps suggesting we might get more information about the highly anticipated game soon.

As reported by several fans online, including well-known leaker Tom Henderson, the playtest is due to take place from July 5 until July 8, 2022, and those who are signed up to EA’s playtesting program are the ones being invited to play the skating game early.

According to the replies to Henderson's tweet, it looks like the developer has said that it wants to "build the game that the community is asking for." To do this, EA is looking for players to test the game and give feedback which, in the end, will help shape the game into the best it can possibly be. Fans have been waiting 12 years for this sequel after all. 

All this talk of a playtest has caused a little discussion about when Skate 4 is due to release. Right now there isn’t a clear answer to this question but if the game is about to be played by at least a few members of the community, it must be somewhat near completion. However, following the playtest, it’s likely that EA will make a series of changes to the game which will take time. So it might be a little ambitious to expect to get this game as soon as next month.

Saying that though, EA did say at the start of this year that Skate 4 is "launching soon", how soon "soon" is wasn’t specified but we did get to see some pre-alpha footage of the game just a few months ago - so it might not be as far off as we think. 

To find out what else we have to look forward to this year, take a look at our new games 2022 list. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.