Sony still questioning whether Silver & Black movie could work without Spider-Man, director Gina Prince-Bythewood reveals

(Image credit: Marvel)

Following the success of both Venom and the new Spider-Man movies, sony has been fast-tracking their own Marvel universe. Next comes Morbius, starring Jared Leto as the eponymous vampiric anti-hero. After that, a sequel to Venom, and a whole roster of new superhero movies, including ones on Silver Sable and Black Cat.

The female duo were originally scheduled to appear in a movie together, yet plans have since changed and the last we heard Sony was developing solo movies for both heroes. Gina Prince-Bythewood, who was on board to direct Silver & Black but will seemingly now only remain on as producer, recently teased that the project could be turned into a Disney Plus series.

While promoting her new project The Old Guard – a Netflix movie about immortal beings who protect the Earth though have become somewhat disheartened by the state of the world – 12DOVE asked Prince-Bythewood about the future of Silver & Black during a roundtable discussion.

"My honest answer is I don't know," she revealed. "I really love those characters, I loved having them together. I thought, what we came up with was a really good, really organic way to have the two together. That world is changing so much because of the success of the Spider-Man films. 

"There's a question of, 'Can you really have these films with Spider-Man not in them? Should he at least have some sort of part in them?' That's always the question. I've taken two years off of that for [The Old Guard] so once this gets out into the world, I hope it's a success, and then I'll certainly go back and start talking with them again." 

It's interesting that Sony has begun pushing for Tom Holland's Spider-Man to appear in each movie. We know that Michael Keaton's Vulture will have a role Morbius, reprising his role from Spider-Man: Homecoming, but this seems to hint that Sony fully intends to integrate their upcoming projects with Spidey's world. Could this all be building to a big Sinister Six movie, bringing together all Spider-man's villains? We wouldn't put it past the studio who famously set up the evil group, only to not carry them through. 

Meanwhile, The Old Guard reaches Netflix on July 10. 

Jack Shepherd
Freelance Journalist

Jack Shepherd is the former Senior Entertainment Editor of GamesRadar. Jack used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film for the likes of GR+, Total Film, SFX, and others. You can now find Jack working as a freelance journalist and editor.