Sega Rally Revo review

Proving there's elegance in simplicity

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Nope. It's that old arcade feeling that you get in your guts that makes Sega Rally. It's a seat-of-your-pants ride beneath beautiful blue Sega skies, where seaplanes will take off and fly alongside your car, where trains whip by in the Alpine mountains, and where elephants trumpet on the African plains. Modern arcade racers are rarely arcade-y enough - all of them afraid to go overboard for fear of appearing silly or simplistic. Even the likes ofBurnout aren't quite as silly as we'd like. Sega Rally is about racing in a perfect world on a perfect day, making no concession to reality - it has the best tracks, the longest curves, the fastest straights and the silliest drift physics.

Sega Rally demands perfection from its drivers, too - the slightest deviation from the racing line can cost you dearly. Some might object to just how tough the AI can be, but it's a part of the game's arcade nature that it wants to beat you to death. Sega Rally is a game based on half-second victories and shaving hundredths of a second from your time trial scores.

If we have any complaint at all, it's that it's all a little bare. The front-end is as plain as a Bulgarian nun and there's nothing more to the game, both online and off, than the straight championship racing. While Burnout offers crash junctions and elimination modes, andFlatOut offers just about everything else, Sega Rally is very simple and pure.

More info

DescriptionA brand new entry into the popular arcade-born rally driving series.
Platform"PS3","PC","Xbox 360","PSP"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"3+","3+","3+","3+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)