See Pixar's Up in 3D before anyone else... for free!

We're offering you the chance to see Pixar's incredible 3D flick Up months before any of your mates. That's right, life really is that awesome.

Up's not out until 16 October, but you can see it on 17 June . All you have to do is keep your eyes on on 21 May (and you were probably going to do that anyway) at 3pm .

We'll announce the code you need to apply for tickets - but be quick, seats will be allocated on a strictly first come first served basis.

And it's only the first of many Red Carpet Preview screenings we're going to be holding from now on, so keep your eyes on the mag and bookmark so you don't miss out.

Date: 17 June

Time: 6 for 6.30pm

Location: London Cineword 63-65 Haymarket, London, SWIY 4RL

Details: One hour intro. Film starts 7.30pm

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.