Secret Files: Tunguska review

Certainly not the secret (file) of success...

12DOVE Verdict


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    Traditional adventure feel

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    Feisty female lead

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    Links with real historical events


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    By-the-book point and click

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    Obscure puzzle-solving

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    Sloppy dialogue

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The plot, presentation and gameplay of Secret Files: Tunguska is by-the-book point and click tradition; a feisty female lead, links with real historical events, picturesque environments and obscure puzzle-solving. However, connoisseurs of the genre will also notice a distinct absence of dry humour, sloppy dialogue and a lack of depth to the lead characters’ personalities.

That said, this Wii version looks crisp and the Da Vinci Code-style storyline of a girl investigating the disappearance of her father who was studying Tunguska (a meteorite explosion in Russia at the turn of the 20th century) begs to be followed. Using the A and B buttons on the remote in place of the mouse buttons from the PC version feels quite natural for old-school pixel hunting.

Western point and click adventures aren’t in huge supply on the Wii so we certainly wouldn’t want to put you off this. It’s not constant action and excitement, but it is a solid, focused and unashamedly old-fashioned adventure.

May 27, 2008

More info

DescriptionWanted: Player to help young female protagonist search for lost father. Sleuthing, pointing, clicking, and some travel required.
US censor rating"Teen","Teen","Teen"
UK censor rating"12+","12+","12+"
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)