Rumour: Viggo Mortensen wanted for Snyder's Superman

Heat Vision Blog are reporting that Viggo Mortensen is at the top of the list to play villain General Zod in Zack Snyder's Superman: Man of Steel .

Brit actor Henry Cavill was cast as Supes several weeks ago, but there have been no more official casting announcements since then.

Now, according to Heat Vision's sources, Mortensen is the top choice of Snyder and producer (and project godfather) Christopher Nolan.

Mortensen's involvement will depend on his availability, as he is near to closing a deal to appear in Snow White and the Huntsman .

Apparently talks with the actor haven't officially commenced, but he is dubbed a "person of interest", who is being talked about seriously.

Kevin Costner is in a similar position, being the favourite to take on the role of Pa Kent.

There are still three major female parts left to cast; this has been the source of much rumour, but no official announcement has been made yet.

It's hard to argue with the thought of Mortensen as Zod though, as he's got the gravitas and physical presence to be a real threat to Superman.

With shooting imminent, we're sure to hear some more official casting news soon… we hope.

Matt Maytum
Editor, Total Film

I'm the Editor at Total Film magazine, overseeing the running of the mag, and generally obsessing over all things Nolan, Kubrick and Pixar. Over the past decade I've worked in various roles for TF online and in print, including at 12DOVE, and you can often hear me nattering on the Inside Total Film podcast. Bucket-list-ticking career highlights have included reporting from the set of Tenet and Avengers: Infinity War, as well as covering Comic-Con, TIFF and the Sundance Film Festival.