Rumor: Elder Scrolls V will be a true sequel, currently in voice acting stage

The Elder Scrolls rumor mill is spinning at full tiltthanks to asource from Denmark who has 'confirmed' that Elder Scrolls V will not only be a direct sequel, but that it is further along in production than many of us expected.

Yesterday,EurogamerDenmark's editor-in-chief Kristian West posted a report detailing her meeting with a secret 'someone' who had official documents proving that developer Bethesda was hard at work on a direct sequel to 2006's Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. In the translated article, she explains:

“This source not only confirmed that the game is in current production, but also spoke briefly about the content - with fantasy-sounding phrases like Dragon Lord, something with The Blades - and that voice acting for the characters in the game is currently happening in the weeks to follow.”

This latest nugget of gooey Elder Scrolls gossip falls in line with other reports that Bethesda is focusing a large chunk of its team on a yet-to-be-named title. At this year's QuakeCon, Executive Producer Todd Howard himself noted that the studio's next title was well underway, but that he and his team were reluctant to make an official announcement until they had a lot more to show.

He added, “One thing I can say is that from when you first hear about it to when it's out will be the shortest it's been for us. It's pretty far along. When we show it, we want to show a lot, because there's a lot of game there to play right now.”

The rumor carries some weight (we know Bethesda is working on something, and Elder Scrolls V is an obvious choice),but atthis time the information has yet to be confirmed byBethesda. If Elder Scrolls V is as far along as suggested, it would stand to reason that there are a lot of people who would know about it. Even if this latest rumor turns out to be a cruel lie, it's a fair bet that Bethesda has Elder Scrolls inits radar.

Nov 23, 2010


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Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.