Riot releases League of Legends infographic, claims to have more active users than WoW

Don't underestimate Riot's League of Legends – while it doesn't steal the headlines like Call of Duty or Skyrim, it's still one of the most popular videogames currently in existence. Seriously, more people play it a month than play World of Warcraft, and it has more active daily players than most console games. It recently hit 32 million accounts, and Riot produced an infographic to celebrate the occasion, filled with absolutely absurd numbers that you’ll need to see to believe.

Even if you ignore the fact that it's a PC-exclusive, these numbers are still incredibly impressive, and prove that League of Legends is growing fast. The new figures are more than double what they were only four months ago, increasing by a staggering 280% - not bad, considering the game has already been out for two years.

“It’s staggering to think about the fact that over a billion games of League of Legends have been played since launch,” said Marc Merrill, co-founder and President of Riot Games. “In 2012, we intend to deliver even more for our growing audience.”

And just because League of Legends is a free-to-play game doesn't make this any less significant, either. Anyone who has played Riot's game can attest that, though the game doesn't require any money to play (and absolutely nothing that improves the player's abilities cost actual currency), gamers are still tripping over themselves to spend their hard-earned cash on this "free-to-play" game. Nearly every match has a number of players using custom skins, which cost actual cash and serve only to change the appearance of the game's champions.

It's just... the outfits are so cool! There's one that puts a fake disguise on the giant robotic Blitzcrank and it's only like $5! Like, that's such a steal!

Hollander Cooper

Hollander Cooper was the Lead Features Editor of 12DOVE between 2011 and 2014. After that lengthy stint managing GR's editorial calendar he moved behind the curtain and into the video game industry itself, working as social media manager for EA and as a communications lead at Riot Games. Hollander is currently stationed at Apple as an organic social lead for the App Store and Apple Arcade.