Rhys Davies becomes EA's new PGA Tour 'brand ambassador,' Tiger Woods nowhere in sight

We keep getting more and more news about how Tiger Woods is not part of the news when it comes to EA's partnership with the PGA Tour. The publisher has just signed a new deal with 25-year-old golfer Rhys Davies to become the Tiger Woods PGA Tour "brand ambassador."

This means Davies will be pocketing some of EA's cash, and in return will don the EA Sports logo on his apparel throughout the golfing season. Davies is only 25 years old but already has a European Tour victory in his pocket and finished his first season ranked 18th in the European Tour Order of Merit.

"[Davies] had an exceptional rookie year on the European Tour in 2010 and is sure to achieve even greater success in 2011. We will work with Rhys on several initiatives during the season and give gamers an insight into the life of a tour professional," said EA Sports senior PR manager Shaun White. We imagine he has no relation to the other sports gaming icon of the same name.

Davies will be all virtual-ed up for inclusion in future Tiger Woods PGA Tour games. "It's every golfer's dream to be immortalized in a video game and I can't wait to compete against my virtual character," said the golfer in a statement. Is it really?

And what does this mean for Tiger Woods? The former golfing sensation has struggled to get back in the game, both on the real course and the virtual one. The cover art of the standard edition of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2012 does not even include a picture of Woods.

EA has said it will continue to support Woods, but it seems a lot more like he's gradually being ousted from his own game franchise.

Jan 18, 2011

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