Return to Monkey Island is set to walk the plank in late 2022

Return to Monkey Island
(Image credit: Terrible Toybox)

Return to Monkey Island is set to release later this year. 

The classic LucasArts adventure series is returning with an all-new story, headed by original series creator Ron Gilbert. Developed by Gilbert's Terrible Toybox studio in tandem with Devolver Digital and Lucasfilm Games, Return to Monkey Island will pick up where Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge left off. 

In addition to a new official website, here's a quick teaser trailer to take in, which doesn't offer much info by way of the plot, but it's plenty to get excited for. 

The announcement comes as a surprise from Gilbert, who confirmed he's been working on the game for the past two years "in complete secrecy" with the rest of the team. The project comes to life with the help of Dave Grossman, a veteran writer and programmer from LucasArts who also worked on the Monkey Island series previously. Fans of the original game have plenty of the same charm and humor to look forward to with these team members on board. 

The Monkey Island series is a pirate-centric adventure that's known for its unique sense of humor and milquetoast hero Guybrush Threepwood. Threepwood seeks to become a legendary pirate, but to do so he'll have to defeat the undead pirate LeChuck as well as his legion of minions. All of this, and plenty of secrets to unlock on the titular Monkey Island lie in wait. 

While this entry technically follows Telltale Games' 2009 Tales of Monkey Island, it will be a separate entity from that title. There aren't any minute details about what to expect in terms of narrative, but we'll be able to get our hands on the game when it hits shelves in late 2022. That should be plenty of time to get in some Insult Swordfighting practice. 

Can't wait to get your hands on Return to Monkey Island? Check out our picks for the 25 best adventure games to tide you over. 

Brittany Vincent